Chapter 12

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No One's POV

Yuzu Woke up Cheerfully, She Made a Glance on the clock, 'Good! Now time to Do my Routine~!' Yuzu silently Got up from the Bed without Waking up Mei as She went in the Bathroom. She Started Brushing her Teeth While Seeing her Reflection in the mirror, Suddenly, She glanced over at her Neck, Her Mark, and...


She Screamed. Hearing Her Scream, Mei Instantly Got up and Barged into the Bathroom, "What Happened Yuzu?!" Mei asked While Panicking. "Mwi! Loof aph Mah Nwckh!" Mei didn't Understand What language Yuzu was Speaking. Yuzu quickly Wash Her mouth and Walk upto Mei And pointed at her neck. Mei's Eyes Widened as she saw that in the middle of Yuzu's Mark, There was Her Omega Sign with Purple Flames. Mei Slowly Stroke Her Mark gently. "It's Seems like,... We've Bonded Our Souls Together..." Mei said quietly as her Cheeks showing light pink Shades. Yuzu Was curious so she Slid down Mei's Night dress off from her Neck. Yuzu's Face Lit up as she saw Her Alpha sign with Yellow Flames in the middle of Mei's Mark as She Quickly she Hugged Mei. "Yeah! And I am Super Happy, hehe!~" Yuzu was Happy like a big puppy, Hugging her Small Kitty. Mei slowly Hugged her back while Blushing that she Finally Found The one she Needed the most. 'Just How Big is this Puppy...?' After a moment they pulled away Gently from their Comfy Morning Hug. Mei Yawned a little as it was still very early. "Mei, You can sleep more if you want, I will wake you up After an Hour." Yuzu said softly as she Splashed some water on her Face. "No, it's Fine. From now on, I will Do some Yoga and Meditation Along with Your Daily Routine." Mei said as she started brushing her Teeth. Yuzu Nodded Happily with a Cheeky smile. Mei Smiled at her as she washed her Face, went Downstairs with Yuzu. They Both Completed their Routine Together, Ate Breakfast and Went Out on their way to school. Yuzu spotted Harumin and Matsuri Together. "Harumin! Good Morning!" She Yelled to catch her Attention. Harumin Turned around to see Yuzu and They gave each other a Playful Hive Five with a Cheeky Smirk. "Yuzucchi! Good Morning, Dude! I wanna tell you something..." Harumin said Awkwardly while Scratching her Cheek but Matsuri was Letting out her Evil Giggle. "Of course, You can tell me anything that's on your mind." Yuzu said as they were walking together, Matsuri walked with Mei at the back and Yuzu and Harumin were In front of them. "Yeah So, I was sayi-Wha? Ehhh!!!" Harumin Gasped that made Yuzu very Confused,

"Geez! My ears! What Happened?!"
"That! Oh?! Wai-! Eh?! How?! Oh!?"
"Oh C'mon!! Did someone Straggle your Throat or something?!! Say it properly!"
"You Marked Prez!!"

Harumin Yelled pointing at her neck. "Ah...!! Yeah... Um, I Did? Hehe~" Yuzu said Stroking her Mark. "Ara~ Ara~ Yuzu-oneechan~ You are SO impatient~... Oh! By the way, Did You go all the way?" Matsuri Used her Teasing Technique as Yuzu's Face was All Red, "Matsuri!" Yuzu Yelled at her Because of her Embarrassment. "Ahaha! Yuzu-oneechan, Look at Your Face! So, I was Right~?" Matsuri Won The Game. "S-So What? Huh!? It-it's Because... S-She is My Mate!" Yuzu Stuttered, Mei Just Sighed while Walking Calmly. Yuzu Turned to Harumin. "So!? What do you wanna tell me Harumin?" Yuzu asked continuing Her Walk. "Um... I kinda marked Matsuri... Ahahaha...?" Harumin said in a very low Voice. "You did What?!" Yuzu Asked in Totally Confusion as she Quickly Glanced over at Harumin's Neck, There was Matsuri's Omega Sign with Pink Flames. "Hey~ Look at here Yuzu-oneechan~" Matsuri Shows her Mark as it was Harumin's Beta Sign With Earth Maroon Flames. Matsuri Looked at Yuzu with a Proud Smirk. Yuzu Only Sighed and Then Smiled at Them. "I really Don't Mind as long as Both of You Are Happy." Yuzu said with a Comfort Grin. Harumin's Face Lit up as She Shared her Small Fist bump with Yuzu. They all Walked To the School and There was Stella, Ruby and Himeko Waiting For their Friends, They all Greeted each other But Stella Internally Gasped as She saw Yuzu's Mark, 'So... They Marked Each other...' Stella Glanced over a Happy Yuzu as She Clenched Her Chest Gently 'No!... Yuzu is Happy. I must Bless Them... I will Erase These Feelings!' "Stella! Hurry Up! We Gonna Leave You Behind!" Yuzu Called Her From a little Distance, Stella Looked up at her and Gave a Cheerful Smile as she Ran Towards Them. 'Yeah... I am Fine Being Closest friend with Yuzu, I don't Need More than this!' "Wait! I am Coming right now~" Stella Cheerfully Joined Them. "Hey Mei-Mei! Are You happy that You have found your Mate?" Himeko asked gently as she already Recognised her Mark. "Yes, I am Happy to have her by my side and Thank you Himeko for Being Friends with me Even in my Rough days." Mei said in her relaxed Voice, Himeko gave her Happiest Smile to her, "Yes! I am always here for you! Mei-Mei!" Mei Nodded with a small smile. They All Entered in the school But Whispering Sound Began to increase As All the Students who were passing Through Mei and Yuzu Spotted Their Marked Necks.

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