Chapter 15

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No One's POV

Himeko was Going on her way to school with some Paper and files in her hand, "There are only three papers and Two Files left, I am sure this will be accomplished by Today For Tomorrow's meeting!" She said to herself, 'This will Reduce Mei-Mei's extra work!' She Thought Happily. She was going to the Path near that tree to wait for Her childhood Friend. But Suddenly, A person stopped in front of her. "..." At first Himeko ignored it and passed the person without looking at it, but again, It stopped her way, this time Himeko got irritated So She made eye contact with that person. She saw a tall female Alpha was wearing a Mask, looked like a Delinquent with Bright White Hair, Her eyes were crystal ice Blue. Himeko was Speechless for a moment to see that Beauty but She regained her Posture, "Excuse me, But You are Blocking my way. Please move aside, I am getting late for School." Himeko said in her Stern Tone as She tried to pass her but that White Alpha took out her hands from her pocket and Gripped on Himeko's Shoulder, bringing her In front of her again, 'Eek! Her Hands are Wicked Cold! Even though She is wearing gloves I still can feel the massive Coldness!' Himeko Thought then Looked up to her and growled at her. "What Do you want?! Can't You see I am in a Hurry!?" She raised her voice a little But She didn't gave a single reaction to this. She Brought her face Close to Himeko's Face, This made Himeko Blushed a little as She Kept Averting Her Eyes from her, "H-Hey! W-What are you trying to D-Do?... I am not an Omega...! L-let me go!" She Stuttered, "You are so Cute...  little Bear girl..." Her voice was like melting of ice, She slowly removed her mask which showed her Her pale Face with a Big Cheeky Smirk as She slowly Winked at Himeko, Seeing her face like this, Made her Blushed even more. But soon, She realised something and Pushed her away with slight force, "If You don't stop this Behaviour. I will have to be Physical with you." Himeko threatened her but She Laughed while Looking at her with her Slight insane eyes. "Hey! Why are you Laughing?!" Himeko Yelled at her. She slowly stopped laughing while Wiping some tears from her eyes, "You are so Tiny and Cute. How am I supposed to get Scared at this Cute action??!! Aahaha!!" She Said with a faint Laugh. Himeko was getting angry, "I will make sure... You Regret for what You just said!" Himeko Growled, She looked at her With a Smirk, "Make me Cutie~" Himeko brought her Hands close to each other as some shadows started coming. That White Alpha cracked her Neck and Stood relaxed in front of Himeko as She was about to shoot her Slash. 'Heh~ This isn't so bad! She looks really Fucking cute like this too~ This is going to be fun~' She thought with a Big grin. Himeko made her Fire Wave and was ready to launch at her,


But Suddenly a Voice stopped her. She Turned to look at the Voice's Direction. She quickly calmed herself down as she Saw, Yuzu and Mei along with Harumin and Matsuri. Mei came closer to her, "What is this Himeko? I thought You Never Waste your powers Like this." Mei said in a bit Stern voice to her Childhood friend. Himeko Vanished her Wave, Fixing herself, "I am sorry... Mei-Mei. I didn't mean to do that either... but this Person Made that Harder for me!" Himeko said pointing at the Delinquent, Who was Grinning while Ruffling her Hair, "Why she is Here?!!? Ughh..." Matsuri Groaned to herself but Harumin Heard that as She pulled her closer by Wrapping her hand around her neck and Whispered "You Know this person? Is she a friend of yours or Yuzucchi's?" She asked, Matsuri Nodded a No, "She is... An idiot... That's all..." Yuzu walked towards the White Alpha and She stood in front of her. They both Started Glaring at each other, That Created a Different aura in that moment. Mei was watching Yuzu with anxious expression. Yuzu Raised her hand up in the air and Gave a Small but Hard Punch on the head of that Alpha, "Ow! Hey! Why did you do that?" She Cried rubbing while her Head. Everyone got shocked by this except Matsuri. Yuzu sighed and Patted her Head a little, She looked up at Yuzu, "Geez! Do you love Getting into troubles like this? Tell me, Why are you here? Saki." Yuzu asked her, "It's Not My Fault! That Bear girl was Just so cute... Err, That I couldn't control myself... Ouch." She said, This made Himeko Blushed really hard as She Shook her head. Mei was being impatient as She mind Connected to Yuzu, 'You Know Her? Who is she? Don't tell me...' Mei's Cold voice gave Yuzu Chills as She quickly Looked at Mei while Shaking her Head, 'No! No! it's Not like that! Mei... She is...' Yuzu sighed, "She is My Cousin, Okogi... Well, Hitokori Saki. Aahaha~" She introduced to her with an awkward Laugh. Saki Stood up in front of them with a Cunning Smile. "Hi~ Nice to meetchu ya all! I am Yuzu's Favourite Cousin, Saki~" She Greeted them. Harumin Waved at her, Mei just Nodded, Himeko was still Hissing at her and Matsuri Groaned at her. Saki playfully went to Matsuri and Tackled her, "My My~ Look, Our Little Foxy got a Mate~ Ahahaha!" She teased Matsuri as she Growled at her. "Bitch, Get your Hands off me! And Yes, So what?" Matsuri Tried to slap her hands away by taking out her Claws But Saki Quickly Jammed her Claws with Ice. Matsuri Growled even more While Saki was Laughing at this. She Melts her ice while going near to Harumin, "Heh~ So, Matsuri's mate is a sexy Vampire. You are really Hot, You know that?" She Said like a Player. Harumin Unfortunately Blushed a little at this. Matsuri shifted into her Fox form and climbed up to Harumin's Shoulder while, Snarling at Saki. Yuzu Pulled Saki's Cheek in a irritated manner, "Come on, Stop it! Now Speak! Why are you here, Saki?" Yuzu released her cheek, Saki rubbed it and Sighed, "Fine... Hahhh~ Uncle and Auntie are coming here after 2 hours and They told me to go first and pay a little Visit to see, How are you doing~ Hmm? Oh~ With Your Mate~!" Saki Said, Yuzu Blushed, "Oh, is that so? Yeah Thanks. Hehe~" They were walking together towards the School. Saki was Flirting with Himeko while She tried her best to ignore her But failed as she Blushed really hard. "What's Your Name, Cutie Pie~?" Himeko Blushed as she Pouted. "Momokino Himeko..." She said in a Low Voice. Saki Blushed As she leaned closer to her ear, "You are really cute, Even when you are so Angry..." She Gently said As she Gave a Peck on Himeko's Cheek causing her Blush all over her face, "W-What A-Are you doing?! You Shameless Alpha!" She Yelled as She started Giving her small Punches, But It got no affect on Saki as She Chuckled while Patting her Head, Himeko Pouted even more. Matsuri and Harumin Were Controlling their laugh at this. Yuzu just Blushed Slightly, 'I am Happy for Himeko-san, Hehe~' 'Why? Are you saying that Saki will Mark her and Make her Her Mate?' Mei asked, Yuzu Nodded, 'How can you be so sure?' 'She Never Acted like this Before, Because She is a Psycho Delinquent, mostly outside, She is Scary but really sweet on the inside and Today, She is normal. Maybe There are Chances for them, Don't you think?' Yuzu asked, Mei Nodded. 'In that Case, I am Happy for them too!' She Calmly said, 'By the way, How did you Learn Mind Connecting?' Yuzu was curious, Mei Blushed a little. 'M-Meitsuki taught me, That It is Only Possible Between, Marked Mates Whenever They want.' 'Oh, I see. But How am I gonna imagine or Fantasize about You in my free time~?' Mei Squeezed Yuzu hand a little causing her Flinched Slightly, 'Pervert...' 'What? Am I not allowed to Think about my Beautiful and Hot Wife? Or Do you want me to think about another gir-' 'No! You can, I am not Stopping you. Just Don't do that around me, Got it?' Yuzu Nodded with a Smile. 'Don't Worry, I will Only Think about You. Because I Love You Babe~' Mei Blushed with a Small nod. They arrived at school. Everyone's eyes laid on The White Alpha But Saki was Troubled Having so much stares at her. "Tch... Such a Pain in the Ass..." Saki Groaned avoiding Eyes contact with them by looking sideways but She caught Himeko was staring at her. Himeko Realised as She quickly Broke her stare While Blushing. Saki Was about to Tease but She Just Took out her Grin with a Blushy Face. 'Adorable'. Yuzu and her Friends Joined with Stella and Ruby as Himeko and Mei went to the Student Council office along with Saki. It was lunch time, Everyone was having their meals in the Cafeteria with Talking about Stuff. "Oh, That's Really Good that Your Parents are coming, Yuzu! So, That's means, You will introduce President to them as your Mate right Yuzu~?" Stella asked with a Playfully Smirk. Yuzu Grinned at her and Nodded as She Noticed Ruby was Constantly Blushing And fidgeting her Fingers, "Ruby-san, What's Wrong? Are you having a Fever? Your face is so red." Yuzu asked her with Concern. This Made Ruby's Face more Blushy. "U-Um, I-I met a Girl Y-Yesterday... S-She saved me... a-and I f-fell in Love w-with Her..." Ruby Stuttered with Dark Blushing Face. Everyone Went Blank for a moment, Then, They all Cheered up.

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