Chapter 7- Date Plans and Apologies

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"Kass please! Do this for me, just one night and that's it."

"Kasey absolutely not. Why can't you go on this date yourself you've been on plenty of dates so what's wrong with going on this one?"

"Kassandra you do not understand this guy is mega ultra hot, and all I have dated is nerdy student council guys. You have to come please half an hour you stay for half an hour and if you don't like it I won't make you stay."

I sighed and rolled my eyes at my younger sister.

"Fine Kasey, Fine but you owe me and if this guy is mega ultra hot or whatever you just said you better hope his older brother is two times hotter you got that?"

She nodded her head and pulled me into a giant bear hug. "Thank you, thank you , thank you Kass that's why you're my favorite sister, don't tell Katrina she might kill me if she found out"

She gave me a wink and started to skip down the hallway and out the door. I was in the kitchen fixing myself a chicken salad , when Sam came in.

"Hey sleepy head you look a little grumpy this morning how are you?"

Sam turned to me and gave me the dirtiest look and started to pour herself a glass of orange juice. "Shut up" she said to me.

"What was all that commotion you and Kasey were making that disturbed my beauty rest?" Sam asked while grabbing a fork out of the drawer and eating some of my salad.

"Well she went to this party and met this guy and he asked her out but she was scared so she said-"

"Lemme guess." Sam butted in holding up her hand." only if my sister comes with us?" Sam asked.

I shook my head and started to laugh "Spot on Small well played".

"So what's on the agenda for today?" Sam asked me while I was washing up the dishes.

"I am going to see Van" I whispered .

"Woah Kass put that truck in reverse and back the hell up. Evan Massey you are going to talk to Evan Massey after everything he did to you really Kassandra?"

I let out a heavy breath and sat on the island facing Sam who was making waffles.

"Samantha relax I talked to my dad last night and I told him everything and he told me to go easy on Van because he did all of that because his dad told him to. His Father is trying to get back at my dad and he is bringing Evan into it." I explained.

Samantha shook her head and turned towards me. "I don't like it but I understand why you need to talk to him so go. Just know that you owe me a shopping day. My roots are coming back in and I need that fixed pronto."  I grabbed my car keys and shook my head and headed out the door.

Today I was going to confront Evan Massey.

I got to the Massey's house and parked my car at the curb near their driveway. I walked up to the front door and had a mental battle with myself on whether or not I should ring the doorbell. If I do ring it I could possibly work things out with Evan and risk my dads career by trusting him again or I could turn around right now and leave and throw away years of friendship.

And that is what had me think even more about this situation, if I just walk away that's it and after all that Evan and I have been through and how much he was there for me especially when Sam moved away really set my decision on high gear.

I came out of my mental state and rang the doorbell.

I waited a couple minutes and rang again as no one answered the first time and I was yet again unsuccessful. I let out a deep sigh and started to walk back to my car until I heard a faint noise coming from the backyard so I made my way toward the noise.

I followed the stoned path into the backyard when I saw Evan on his huge floaty in the pool.

"How's the water?" I shouted.

He took off his sunglasses and gave me a confused look "Kassandra? What are you doing here?" He got out of the water and made his way to the lounge chair to grab his towel.

"Can we talk?" I asked him quietly, he nodded his head and sat on the chair. I made my way over to the seat across from him and took a seat.

"Evan I don't know why you went along with your fathers plans but I need to tell you that I am sorry for jumping to conclusions. I should have never thought that you would willingly betray our friendship but I was just angry with you when I heard you talking to your father about me, about my family.

I was angry because I was surprised that he told you to jump and all you did was ask how high. I realize that he is your dad Evan, but you were about to put my dad in such a bad place with his career.

My dad didn't involve your dad in this particular case because your dad is too close to everything he takes work to literally, and my dad knew that your father would involve family from day one. So he declined your fathers offer, but somehow you and I got mixed in. We can't get involved Evan , we have to stay out of this please."

"Kass ever since I was little you know how my father has acted towards me and my brother, hell that is the reason why Emmett left because he was tired of it all. Tired of the constant feeling of not being good enough, not being worthy enough in my fathers eyes.

It seems like everything I do is never good enough for my father, and I hate that it took you not talking to me for me to realize that my dad is bad news, and I honestly never meant for you to get hurt or feel hurt I just wasn't thinking clearly.

I thought that maybe just once my father would be proud of me. I realize now how much you and your family have been there for me especially your dad. We have done so many things together that I never would do in a lifetime, but wish of doing with my dad. Your family has always welcomed me with open arms and now I feel like crap cause I betrayed them and you, and jeopardized our friendship I'm sorry Kass I really am."

I got up and pulled him to his feet and gave him a hug.

"I forgive you Van."

He pulled away from me and flipped into the pool, I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Show off"

When he resurfaced he swam to the side of the pool " hey kass let me show you something real quick come here" He waved me over.

I rolled my eyes and made my way towards the side of the pool."What is it?" I asked confused right before he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the water.

"VAN! You idiot do you know how long it took me to flat iron my hair this morning!"

I screamed laughed at him. All he did was laugh back at me then he gave me a smirk. "So are we cool?" I pretended like I was thinking about it and grabbed his head and dunked him under water. I let go and smiled.

"Like the other side of the pillow."

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