Chapter 4 - When Life gives you apples...make pie!

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After Ryan dropped me off I unlocked the front door and walked inside my house. It was completely dark besides the light from the living room TV, so i walked to see who was there.

"Hey Kass how was the banquet?" my sister Katrina said. I looked at her and shrugged my shoulder.

"I left and went to a house party instead, too much drama was going on and I could't take it"

She shook her head and started to laugh. "Typical MCA banquet, wouldn't be a proper fund raiser if drama wasn't involved."

"Yeah tell me about it. listen I kind of told mom that I was sick so I was able to leave the banquet. So when she comes home and asks how I am just tell her I took a painkiller and feel better kay?"

Katrina nodded her head and turned back to the TV "Sure thing. Good night" she said waving me off.

"Goodnight" I said while walking upstairs to my room.

As soon as I got into my room I took of my dress and threw it in the laundry basket. I put on a t - shirt and a pair of cotton basketball shorts and climbed into my bed. I plugged the charger into my phone and turned it on  to see if Sam had sent me any text but instead I saw that I had six missed calls and twenty text messages from Evan. I just deleted them all and turned off my phone.

I laid my head on my pillow and instantly fell asleep.


I woke up feeling as if someone was watching me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sam looking down at me giving me a 'what the hell' look.

"Can I help you Samantha Small?"  had a headache but I know that was

"Yes Kassy you can, by telling me why the hell you left the banquet so early last night. Your mom said you had a headache but I know you were bullshitting Kass. So are you going to tell me or what?"

I hate how persistent she can be sometimes. "FINE fine. shortly after we got there last night I went looking for Evan and I saw him near the bathrooms talking to his dad, and I didn't want to eavesdrop so I stood at a distance where I couldn't hear the conversation, but the music lowered and I heard what they were saying."

"Which was?" same replied eagerly. 

"Basically Evan's dad told him to get closer to me, even try asking me out so he could get close to my dad because whatever deal my dad is investing in next Mr. Massey wants in on it, and since dad doesn't talk business outside of his office Evan's dad wants me and Evan to get closer so he can do whatever with my dad, and the worst part is Evan agreed to it."  Sam looked angry or sad? I couldn't really tell.

"I am so sorry babe I had no idea Even Massey was such a jerk I should've known he was a bad fruit. So what happened next.?" I shook my head at her topic change.

"That was when I told mom and dad that I had a headache and was gonna go home, but stupid Evan came and told dad that he would take me home and my dad thought it would be a great idea. Then I found myself in his Rover at a stoplight. He was pissing me off so I got out of the car and he started following me.

so I hopped a couple of fences and ended up at a house party this boy named Ryan DeMarco from V.A. was throwing. we hung out for like five minutes then he got some weird news about his girlfriend so he left. I spent the rest of the party hanging out by the pool and pretty soon it was done and he dropped me home."

"Wait he dropped you home? Kass you know what this means?" Sam asked while sitting on my bed across from me crossed legged.

"No" I said to her looking confused.

"Babe haven't I taught you anything? He is so into you, I mean he dropped you home shouldn't that count for something?"

"Sam he dropped me home after I helped him clean his house and I highly doubt he is into me he broke up with his girlfriend before the party ended he can't just switch emotions so quickly."

Sam shrugged and got up. "We'll see. Anyways get some clothes on and lets go out for breakfast, everyone left cause they thought you were still sick. Auntie went to work Kat is spending Brendon's last day here with him and Kase went to..................who knows were she went. I will be waiting in the car."


"Sam were are we going?" I have been driving for about ten minutes no and I had no idea where we were going.

"There! right there turn left." Sam was pointing to a diner.

"Sam we are in Velmore why?"

"Because Kassandra I need good food and I heard this Diner has good apple pie and I am craving some apple pie. Besides you had nothing to do at home other than sulk about your no good boyfriend Evan Massey so shut up and enjoy the pie"  she said while we were being seated. 

we ordered our food and started eating. I was about to dig into my pancakes when I saw Ryan from last night walking into the Diner.

"Hey Sammie? don't look now but there is the guy Ryan I was talking about from last night at twelve o'clock" Sam wiped her mouth with a napkin and threw it at me.

"Kass he is GORGE what are you doing standing here go say hello." I shook my head and took a sip of my coffee

"Fine then I will just have to call him here then." Before I could stop her she started to call him over.

"Hey you in the blue shirt!" Ryan turned around to look at Sam and gave her a confused look. Sam waved him over and he started to walk towards our booth.

"Hey" he said not once looking at me Sam started talking.

"Hey handsome I just want to thank you for bringing my friend Kassandra home last night. That was very polite of you." Sam said to Ryan while touching his arm. He looked at me and was about to say something when some girl came to our table.

"Baby who are these girls?" the blonde said.

I was shocked by the pet name so I just ignored it. Who was this girl?

"Babe they are no one important just some girls asking for directions lets go" He said then they walked away.

I was speechless, but Sam never is. "What an ass wipe. I never ask for directions"

I was still shocked. Hearing him say I was no one kind of hurt my feelings, I mean yesterday he told me not to be a stranger to him but today he totally lied and told his girlfriend I am guessing that I was no one important.

Why did that bother me so much?


A/N sorry for the wait I have been really busy hope you like it. VOTE, COMMENT , PLEASE  <3

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