Chapter 10 - Kick Me While I'm Down (part 1)

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I was on the beach in a white bikini laying on my ocean blue towel lying on my back enjoying the weather when all of a sudden Austin Butler is standing above me.

His mouth is moving but I can't understand what he is saying his lips look very kissable, I focus on the moving patterns of his lips until I see him pull a bucket from behind his back. What is he doing? Does he want to build a sandcastle together? All of a sudden I see the bucket tilt towards me and I quickly realize it is water in the bucket.

As soon as the water hits my face I jump up out of my bed.

Damn just another dream. I look around and see Sam holding an empty water bottle in her hand, I finally come to terms with my dream when I feel my entire body soaking wet.

"What the hell Samantha!" I screamed while jumping out of my bed and into my washroom to dry off.

" Don't you dare what the hell Samantha me." Sam replies

" I've been trying to wake you up for the past hour we are going to be late for school so get your ass up and into some clothes you have twenty minutes, then I am coming back up with another bottle of water for you." She walked out of my room before I could respond.

I shook my head and went into the washroom, I took a five minute shower, hopped out, creamed my skin, threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a t shirt and put my hair in a ponytail. I rushed downstairs to see Sam waiting any the front door tapping her feet impatiently.

"Damn it is about time you got down here I was just about to go upstairs and see if you got lost in Narnia with Mr. Tumnus" Sam said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and threw on a pair of black toms that I found at the front door, they were probably one of my sisters' shoes. " where is everyone?" I asked Sam as we were walking out the front door and into my car.

" Kasey had to be at school early for a student council meeting, so your mom dropped her on her way to work and Katrina went to the culinary school to see if she could sign up."

I shrugged my shoulders and started driving, we got to school with five minutes to spare and when we were getting out of the car I noticed Van jogging towards us.

"Hey Kass, Samantha " Evan greeted while walking towards us.

"Hey Van do you know why there was a student council meeting today they are usually on Thursdays, never on a Monday." He shook his head to my question and followed us into the school.

" Well I'd love to stay and chat but I have English and Rosenbalm hates me. see you guys at lunch I'm feeling to go off school grounds, bye" Sam announced.

Van and I headed towards our lockers which were beside each other.

"Kass hey over here" I heard my sister shouting from down the hall. I turned around to where I heard her voice and saw her running towards me.

" hey Kase I missed you this morning, Sam told me there was a meeting but what for" I asked as she tried to catch her breath.

"Yeah Dean Woods emailed us last night we have a new student and she is from the states. Her name is Trisha Rizlo, senior , she is coming this morning and Woods wanted us to make her feel welcome and also he wanted us to plan an assembly for spirit week. " I was about to reply but the bell rang.

" Shoot Kase I gotta go I'm gunna be late I have math." I said while rushing past her.

I was sitting in math class barely awake when I got a text message from Sam.

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