Chapter 9 - Date Night pt.2

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This CANNOT be happening right now. Out of all possible days why does he always show up during the most inconvenient times. Ryan DeMarco, what is he even doing here?

I decided that me having a mental conversation with myself right now wasnt the best idea. I looked at Ryan and frowned.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him not so nicely.

He looked at me and smirked. "Well if you must know, Adrien here is my cousin and I just so happened to be there when Colin was telling his twin that he wouldn't be able to make it tonight. So me being the awsome cousin that I am willingly volunteered in to take Colin's place. I had no idea that the sister was going to be you, but man am I happy it is."

I couldn't do this I have really developed a mild sense of hate for this boy and there was no way that I was going to sit through dinner with him.

" Kase I am sorry I need to leave call me when you are done and I will pick you up okay? Adrien it was nice meeting you but I really wish it could of been under better conditions" I started to walk away when Kasey followed me and dragged me into the washroom.

"Kassandra What the hell?" she yelled. Her face was getting red and I could hear the anger in her voice.

"You promised me you would stay and now all of a sudden you are about to leave? and Adrien's cousin you know him?"

I shook my head and waited until she calmed down. "Kasey you remember when I told you earlier today that I have met some V.A. boys that are annoying?"

She nodded her head at me.

"Well I was talking about Ryan in particular. The night of the Banquet when Van was driving me home we got into a fight and I got out of the car and I sort of crashed Ryan's Party. He was really nice to me and he even dropped me home, and told me not to be "a stranger" and I saw him again and I thought you know he was nice once so I decided to say hello and he totally ignored me."

Kasey looked at me confused. "SO whats the problem?" she asked.

"Nothing I just hate when people act like that you know?" she nodded her head in agreement.

"Well Kass I was serious when I said I was nervous, please just stay for me? you can be as rude to Ryan as you want I just need you there please?"I let out a deep breath.

"Okay" We walked beck to the booth and Adrien looked between me and Kasey. "Everything alright?" he asked.

I nodded my head and slid into the booth beside Ryan, "Everything's fine sorry about earlier. I'm Kassandra by the way, Kasey's older sister." I said putting out my hand waiting for him to shake.

"Adrien DeMarco nice to meet you" He gave me a friendly smile and grabbed my hand to shake.

We ordered our food and started to eat it wasn't that bad I was talking to Kasey and Adrien and sort of just pretended Ryan wasn't even there. But you can imagine how my plan of ignoring him went downhill when Kasey and Adrien started to engage in their own conversation.

"So are you planning on ignoring me the whole night? because if you are then this is by far the worst date I have ever been on." Ryan said to me.

I turned my body so I was facing him. "Don't you have a girlfriend why are you even here?" I replied with more attitude than I wanted to, but it didn't phase him.

"I told you Kass I am helping out my cousin, and me and Maysie are over." He replied with a smirk.

"You said that last time and then all of a sudden you were back with her." I snapped back. "I mean its not like I care but something about being ignored whether I know you or not gets me really irked."

He was about to say something when Kasey interrupted. "Hey guys lets check out what they have in the arcade". I quickly followed her to avoid further confrontation with Ryan. We got into the arcade part of the restaurant and it was really cool they had all of the games and fun stuff even a prize table where you exchange your tickets for a prize.

"You guys up for a game of pool?" Ryan asked us. I was about to say no when Kasey answered first.

"Sure lets do teams, Me and Adrien against you and Kass." As soon as Kasey said that I gave her a dirty look. "I think it should be boys against girls." I said quickly.

Everyone shook their heads to say no and I started to pout to myself. Then, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. Ryan. "Don't worry Kass we will win this" I turned around in his arms and shoved him hard with my chest making him stumble back.

" Number one, don't touch me, and Number two, don't call me that." I said calmly as Ryan looked at me in awe.

"Did you just chest bump me? That actually hurt." He said rubbing his chest. I smiled at him fixed my jacket.

"shes a black belt in judo Ryan, and captain of the soccer team. Shoving is her specialty" Kasey replied while smiling.

"Thats why you jumped my fence in a dress like it was nobody's business." Ryan yelled.

"You jumped his fence?" Adrien butted in.

"Are we gunna sit her all day and question me or are we gunna play pool?" The boys both looked at me and followed me and my sister to the pool table.

We played a couple rounds of pool and then we cashed in our tickets and decided to call it a night, Ryan wasn't that bad of a pool player seeing as we won two out of three games I still disliked him but he was good company to have.

My sister and I got into my car and I started to drive back home.

"So Adrien is cute" I said to her.

she started smiling. "Yeah he is we are going out again alone this time because no offense but you kind of ruined my date well not just you but Ryan too. You guys have issues but I had fun watching you beat him up."

I started laughing and gave her a smirk. "what can I say? When you mess with a Hart you loose a lung."

Kasey started to laugh. "You're so weird but thank you for tonight." I shrugged my shoulders and replied

"For you I'd do anything"



We were on our way back to Adrien's house.

"Well that went well don't you think?" I asked Adrien

"No man that was seriously the worst double date I have ever been on, and it wasn't my date that was bad it was yours." He replied smiling at me.

"I mean Kassandra is a spit fire, did you see her chest bump you? I mean even I felt that ."

I gave him a dirty look. "Ya well we don't really have a good relationship right now." I said to him while rolling my eyes.

" How did you two even meet?"he asked me."

"She crashed my party last week, hopped over the back fence in a dress and when she landed it was like she walked through the front door. Not even a tear or anything. If I didn't see her climb down I wouldn't have believed it." Adrien looked at me and smiled.

"Thats hot!." He replied

" Don't I know it, cousin"


A/N Enjoy guys I had alot of fun writtig this Chapter. I was grinning from ear to ear when I was done.

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