What The Hart Wants

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CHAPTER 1 - Old Friends And New Dresses


"Kass we are going to be late again hurry up." My sister Kasey yelled at me from downstairs. We were getting ready for school. My name is Kassandra Hart I am 17 years old and I have two sisters Kasey who is 16 and Katrina who is 19 we do everything together. Ever since our parents divorced five years ago we have gotten even closer to each other. My parents never made us feel as if the divorce was our fault or anything like that but we just found that it was easier to cope with if we stuck together, and it has been.

I woke up happy this morning I had no idea why but I felt good. I woke up made us breakfast showered and got ready for another day at the Monroe Crest Academy, or the stuck up snotty rich school. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my hair,  so I put my hair in a bun and ran downstairs. I saw my sister standing at the door waiting impatiently.

"Geez Kase why such an eager beaver this morning?" I asked her while putting on my shoes.

"You call being late eager? I just want to get to school Kass why can't you hurry up?" My sister is smart and also very punctual. Besides we were not missing anything, today at school is the annual MCA fundraiser banquet and usually everyone ditched to find the perfect outfit.

I got up and opened the door and pushed her outside. "BYE MOM!!!" I screamed while closing the front door. We got into my car and drove to school.

I parked my car and my sister and I got out, we were walking towards the front of the school together when someone called her name. We turned around and then she smiled at me.

"Go" I said giving her a nudge. "You sure I can always wait until Van gets here?"

"No he will be here any minute. Now go to Hazel or else she might drag you by your braid."

She gave me hug and the started walking backwards. "Okay but don't wait on me after school I have a student council meeting until four." I rolled my eyes and then walked into the school.

I walked into the front door of my school and rushed to my locker I really hated when the school got crowded in the morning it made no sense. As I reached my locker I opened it and started to move things around when a note fell out of the locker.  My name was written on it in black pen; I picked it up and opened it.

Dear Kassandra,

                Alright so here goes nothing, Kassandra  Leah Hart you are my Best friend and if you are reading this letter right now it is because I am back in town and I miss you like crazy. See you in school.


Samantha Small

 I looked around and saw her there. My best friend Sam who moved away three years ago standing two lockers away. I had a huge smile on my face as I ran up to her.

"Sammy! What the hell did you do your hair?"

She pulled me into a hug and then smiled at me. "Kassy I just cut it no biggie. Did you miss me?"  She asked while linking our arms.

"Like crazy what are you doing back here I mean not that I am not glad to see you but I thought you moved to New York with your mom?"

"Tell you what. I need a dress for the banquet tonight and we have a lot to catch up on how about we skip?"

I never skip school , but having the Samantha Small back in town was definitely  skipping school worthy, so we linked arms and headed towards my car and drove to the mall.


"Okay I have shoes, a dress all I need is accessories and we are done. But let's eat first." Sam said as we were walking in the mall. We stopped at the burger king and grabbed some food and sat down at the food court.

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