Chapter 6

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 When I got home I was so angry and just wanted to be alone so I grabbed. My sketch book and pencils and drove to the nearest coffee shop to clear my head.

When I got to the coffee shop it was empty aside from the middle aged man drinking a late and focusing on his game of Sudoku I chose to sit at a booth in the back of the cafe and started to draw. I was enjoying my time to myself when I saw someone slide into the booth across from mine. I didn't look up because I figured whoever it was would eventually take a hint and leave.

"So are you just going to ignore me until I leave?"

I knew that cocky arrogant voice anywhere. Ryan DeMarco.

"That's the plan" I said while still drawing

I was relieved when Ryan got up and left the booth , but you can imagine how quickly that miracle went crash landing when I felt Ryan slide into my booth beside me.

"What are you drawing?" He said putting his arm around me. At this point I was annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing here Ryan?"

"What can't we just sit and talk? I have to have a reason for wanting to talk to you?'' He asked

"Yes actually you do because I can remember you clearly telling me not to be a 'stranger' but all of a sudden when you are around your little girlfriend you don’t know me. Honestly Ryan I have had enough fake people and liars in my life to last a life time so don't pretend with me please."

I looked up at Ryan and he had a look in his eyes that I really couldn't put my finger on it.

"Kassandra I know what I told you the night I dropped you off and believe me I meant every single word I said that night, but -"

"But nothing Ryan" I said cutting him off.

"For your sake and mine let's just stay strangers. Now please move I wanna go home we are done here."

Ryan moved out of the booth and I followed after. I grabbed my sketch book and pencil case and was heading out the door. Until Ryan grabbed my hand.

"Kassandra wait please!”

I looked into his eyes and slowly pulled my hand from his grip on me and shook my head. "Ryan I meant what I said. Were done here, done." And with that I was back in my car driving home

what a day.


I got home a little after six and found that the house was empty so I decided to go to my dad’s house; he always enjoys me and my sister's company.

I got to the door and opened it with my key. I walked into the living room to see my dad drinking a beer and eyes glued to the TV.

"Hi Daddy" I said while taking a seat beside him.

"Hey angel what are you doing here?" He said looking at me.

"Yeah well I went home and no one was there so I figured I would spend time with you?"

My dad just shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to the television. It was burning me on the inside not to tell my dad what I knew about Mr.Massey but the way my family works is we don't keep secrets from each other. I decided that I was going to tell him.

"Daddy I need to tell you something" I whispered. I think he could hear the fear in my voice so he turned off the TV and faced me.

"Angel? What's the matter?"

"Dad the day of the banquet when I said I felt sick and wanted to go home I lied" I said.

My dad started laughing. "Angel its okay you left because it was boring I understand that is nothing to be worried about why do you think I was jumping at the chance to take you home? I didn't want to stay there either."

I shook my head and looked him in the eyes "No dad that's not why I left. The reason why I left was because I overheard a conversation and it made me sick"

My dad was suddenly more curious in what I had to say. "Well who were the people talking?"

"It was Evan and Mr. Massey. At first I was looking for Evan because I couldn't find him but then I saw him and it looked like he was in deep conversation, So I didn't want to interrupt. When I got closer I saw that it was Mr. Massey that he was talking to and I was just about to walk away when I heard my name being said so I stayed and listened."

I looked up and my dad and he was nodding his head. "Go on" he replied.

I nodded my head and continued "Dad he wanted Evan to get closer to me so you would have no choice but to include him as a business partner or whatever. I was angry and disgusted that Evan would even agree to something like that I mean look how long we have been friends."

My dad did a giant sigh “I knew he was going to do this I had a feeling from the first time he asked to be a part of this case and I said no, but if he thinks he can involve my kids he is wrong. Kassandra listen well angel I will deal with Edward Massey but you have to do me a favor. Can you manage that?"

I shook my head. "Anything" my dad grabbed my shoulder.

"Angel you have to forgive Evan. Whatever his father told him to do you have to believe that he was forced I know how Edward Massey can be and he gets what he wants. Baby I hate to see you and Van as no longer friends. You have to forgive him can you do that?"

I was actually going to say no but I trusted my father and since day one he always had mine and my sisters’ best interest at heart.

"Okay" I nodded my head and gave my dad a hug. He kissed my forehead and took a sip of his beer and turned back on the TV. He looked at me and picked up his phone.

"Now what do you say we order some Chinese food?" 

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