Chapter 12 - Drug lords & Horses

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After leaving Kassandra on the field I headed towards my car when I realized that no one in my family called me to see where I was . Usually my mom was a little on the over protective side when It came to mine and my brother's whereabouts. She's convinced that our good looks are going to get us kidnapped by some crazy soccer moms.

I got into my car and connected my iPhone to Bluetooth and checked to see if anyone called me. I saw five missed calls from my mom, I figured she was probably having a panic attack. So I decided to call her.

"Call mom" I said to my car

"Calling mom" it replied to me.

The phone didn't even ring three times before someone picked up.

"Hello?" My mom's voice sounded normal, which was a sign that she has not called the police to send out a search party for me yet.

"Hey ma" I answered back

" Oh my goodness Ryan! Where the hell have you been I called you like a thousand times where were you?" She yelled into the phone. I quickly noticed how loud the volume was because I saw people outside of my car staring at me, so I lowered the volume then I cleared my throat.

" Ma I'm fine and you only called me five times not a thousand" I said laughing inside at her exaggeration.

" We'll excuse me for thinking my son who was supposed to be home for dinner at seven thirty was out somewhere lying in a ditch!" She yelled again. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"Ma I'm sorry, after practice I ran into an old friend in one of the other fields and we got to talking and kicking the ball around. I totally lost track of time it won't happen again ma" I replied .

"What friend Ry?" She asked... Is that all she heard?

" just a friend ma I guarantee you don't know them " I said

"Ryan I know everyone except for drug dealers" she went silent for a minute.

"Oh my God! Ryan your friend is a drug dealer! You were dealing drugs weren't you? All this time. You know, I told your father we should have sent you to that boot camp when you were young but nooooo 'Ronda I won't have you sending my son to boot camp' he said and look now. My son is becoming a drug lord!" That's where I cut her off.

" Ma I promise I'm not a drug dealer nor dealing drugs and I don't have any friends who deal drugs I was meeting a girl I met a couple weeks ago. She plays soccer and asked for my help." I quickly got it out before she decided to Interrupt me again

" wait you were meeting a girl what's her name? maybe I know her" I rolled my eyes again one minute she was yelling about how I was a drug dealer now she wants to know who I'm with?

I knew she wasn't going to let up so I told her " Her name is Kassandra Ma"

"Kassandra..hmmm... What's her last name?"

"Kassandra Hart I think. She lives in Monroe " I replied

"Hart...Hart... Oh my god!!! HART of the Monroe Hart's? Ryan how did you meet this girl do you have any idea who her father is? He's one of the biggest attorney's out there."

" I actually didn't know that" I replied annoyed " but it does sound like the Kassandra Hart of the Monroe Hart's"

"Well of course you didn't Ry, if I don't tell you, you don't care" she said in a duh tone.

" Yeah , So wait mom you wanted to send me to boot camp?"

I replied

" oh well I think I hear your dad calling me maybe the coffee is ready

Make sure you pick up some milk on your way home love you!" She said quickly then hung up the phone.

I rolled my eyes and the drove out of the parking lot to head to the grocery store and Headed home.


After Ryan left me on the field I packed up my stuff and headed to my car. I drove to McDonald's and got myself some nuggets and a large sprite then headed home.

I walked into the kitchen to find my mom sitting at the island with a cup of coffee and her eyes glued to her laptop.

"Hey mom" I said while walking to the sink to wash my hands

"Hey hun how was training?" she looked up from her laptop and gave me a heartfelt smile.

"It was good I worked my butt off" I told her with a smile.

"Okay that's great I'm glad that you have somewhere to train because I can tell how much you want this so I'm happy that you are working hard to keep what's yours"

"Awe thanks mom" I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

She giggled then replied " that's what I'm here for"

I laughed " okay well I'm going up stairs I got homework love you! " I yelled on my way up the stairs.

I walked down the hallway with my chicken nuggets in hand and knocked on Kasey's room door.

"Enter if you dare" she shouted

I rolled my eyes and walked into her room.

"Hey" I said as I took a seat on her bed and crossed my legs.

"Hey Where were you? You missed dinner with dad today and left me alone with him and he questioned me about my date." she questioned

"I was at the fields practicing and I couldn't get out of it because the person that is helping me , might actually help me win against Rizlo and I need to be 110 percent ready to kick her ass"

"You're gunna win Kass she may be good but she's not you, you just need to relax. so who is helping you anyways? one of the girls on the team?" She asked me curiously.

I didn't want her to know about Ryan helping me she was just going to rub in the fact that he's helping me in my face. "uh yeah, hey where is Sam?" I replied changing the subject.

"In your room I guess I've kind of been in my own world for the past hour"

"Okay well I'm going to go find her and then start studying for my math test goodnight" I said getting off her bed and heading towards the door.

"Night and Kass, don't think I didn't notice the subject change when I asked you who is helping you but don't fret big sis I shall find out eventually" I looked back at my sister and rolled my eyes while locking her door behind me and headed into my bedroom.

"Yes mother and don't forget to ship the rest of my clothes it is starting to get colder here and all I have is tank tops and shorts....Yes...okay mom fine I love you too be careful call me when you land..bye"

"Hey Sammy!" I yelled tackling her to the ground.

"UGH Kassandra Hart get the hell off of me you horse where were you tonight? I almost went into desperate mode and called Evan to take me out because I was so bored. I even finished my homework" Sam asked me.

"yeah sorry about earlier coach Kingsley decided that it would be a good idea to have me fight for my position as team captain, and now I have to face the new girl Tricia Rizlo and I was a bit angry so I had lunch with my dad, and he rented out some field space for me and I got carried away" I answered grabbing my clothes to take a shower

"Oh well I knew there was a reason why I didn't like her anyways" Sam replied

"Shut up Samantha when she walked into the class this morning you were almost drooling about her clothes and how cool she seems, you were practically foaming at the mouth" I replied almost sarcastically

"yeah that was before she decided to challenge my girl now she is an enemy with good fashion sense"

I started to laugh and shake my head " whatever you say Sammy I'm gunna go take a shower now" I announced as she was brushing me off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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