side stories | alex; alison

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a l e x ' s   m i s t a k e

"Edgar, aren't you going to eat something?" she asks again.

But Edgar is zoned out, arms crossed over his chest, brows furrowed, feet repeatedly tapping the tiled floor of the cafeteria. The surroundings are filled with laughter, chatters, screams, and even some students singing off-tune, but a tensed silence blankets over the table Alex is sitting in. Worried, she glances at her friend Ayesha, who simply shrugs. Neither of them have touched their food yet, trying to accompany Edgar in his quest to not eat until the call they've all been waiting for since yesterday comes.

Edgar mutters to himself, "Something definitely happened." He nods. "I'm sure of it." He looks at Alex. "Do you think I should call the police?"

"Edgar, listen," says Ayesha in her soft and calming voice. "I'm sure it's nothing as serious as you're thinking it to be. Maybe Cedar's phone died, and now he can't find a place to charge it. Maybe he doesn't remember your number, so he can't call you from somewhere else. Let's just wait a while more. If he told you he will call, then he will call for sure. And even if he is in danger, I'm sure God will protect him. Cedar is a good person."

Ayesha explained it really well. But the thing is, both of these girls have been explaining this to him since morning, but Edgar doesn't seem to listen at all.

He says, "But this is Cedar we're talking about! He's a fucking dumbass. He has no knowledge of practical life, only bookish things that won't help him out in any way. And he . . ." Edgar then continues to rant about all the reasons why Cedar is already dead. Even though Ayesha herself is worried, Alex sees her press her lips together in an attempt to hold in her laughter. She has always been heavily amused by Edgar's personality, and Alex can't really blame her.

"Look Edgar," Alex says when he finishes, "Cedar told me to take care of you. If he knows that I let you starve, he will scold me."

"If he is alive," Edgar replies, shaking his head.

"He is alive! Come on, why wouldn't he be? Cedar has survived through so much all by himself. A lot more than any of us can imagine."

At this, Edgar goes quiet. He simply stares at the table for a while, sighs, then picks up the fork. Alex bought a caramel pastry for him, his favorite flavour. She and Ayesha also start eating their respective lunches. But just as Edgar is about to put the piece of pastry into his mouth, he stops. Turning to Alex, he says, "Didn't you say you have a bad feeling about Cedar?"

Troubled, Alex glances at her friend. She deeply regrets saying that out loud to Edgar, because that is probably the biggest reason why he's so worried. She shouldn't have made that mistake.

Ayesha jumps to the rescue, like she always does. "Edgar, that's just Lex being the habitual pessimist she is."

"But sometimes, things she says comes true."

"Edgar, don't be superstitious. We're all educated people here."

Kissing his teeth, Edgar puts the fork down and buries his face into his palms. He mutters, "I shouldn't have let him go all by himself. Fuck this shit."

Alex puts a hand on his shoulder. "Edgar, listen-"

Before she can complete, he pulls his shoulder away. Without meeting her eyes, he stands up along with the plate. "You know what, it's too noisy here, it's stressing me out. I'll eat in the class. See you both later."

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