chapter 29: this is what happiness feels like

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A/N: Bland writing in this chapter, so sorry :< just wanted to get it out there. Will hopefully rewrite it soon enough.


6th August; Thursday

I open my eyes to a gray world, hazy and serene, and feel cold fingers softly brush through my hair, like ice smothering my scalp. Blinking, I look up and see him, my object of wonder, staring down at me with a beautiful smile.

He asks, "Are you awake?"

I shake my head, my eyelids closing as if pulled down by a magnet. I huddle closer to him, and express a silent gratitude to God for keeping the place under my head soft. Sinking into the space between the pillow and his thigh, I then slip back into slumber, bliss fluttering in my heart, warmth diffusing through my bones.


My sleep breaks to the song of the chirping sparrows.

When I open my eyes, sunlight greets me to announce a new morning. I squint at it, then stretch my stiff arms and legs. My left shoulder is aching for some reason, but it will probably go away soon. A yawn escapes my lips, tears coming along with it.

"Are you awake now?"

I blink a few times, then turn my gaze upwards. July is sitting right beside me, his brows raised. What a wonderful feeling it is to see his face as the first sight after I wake up, just like how I would see Dawn's face back then.

"Now, as in?" I ask, moving my neck side to side to get rid of the stiffness.

"You woke up once before, then just went back to sleep without saying anything."

"Really? I don't remember." I sit up and stretch some more as another yawn makes my mouth open wide. I glance at the wall-clock over the mirror, striking just two minutes past 7. "Eight hours," I say.


I turn my head back to look at him. "I got exactly eight hours of sleep, for the first time in God knows how long. Probably for the first time ever. The perfect amount of sleep." Normally, I would get only 4 to 5 hours of sleep after studying late and waking up early for school. To make up for all that lost sleep, I would roll in bed for more than 10 hours during the holidays. I don't think I've ever gotten a perfect 8 hours of sleep, not to mention such a peaceful, nightmare-less one.

His eyes move to the clock as well, and a smile spread on his lips. "That's true. Well done, I guess?"

I only laugh and grab my shirt, which is lying on the other corner of the bed. I vaguely remember feeling a bit too hot last night and taking it off. As I'm buttoning it, I suddenly remember something. "Oh," I turn to him, "how are you feeling right now?"

"About what?"

"No, like, you weren't feeling well the past few days, right? You became weak, couldn't walk properly and all that . . . how do you feel now?"

"Oh, that." He moves his arms and his shoulders. "I feel pretty fine, actually. I mean, I swam with you last night, and felt completely energetic while doing so. So yeah, I am getting better now that I'm in a good mood."

"Glad to hear that."

He nods. As if having a second thought, he adds, "Thanks for asking."

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