chapter 38: two women kissing

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"It's- it's you?"

"What? What do you mean?" He frowns while putting on his beanie, carefully covering all the pink hair again.

I try to keep my voice down as I say, "You're the one who- that day, you were in a car with a girl named Nova. And she stole my phone. It's you!"

"What are you even talking about?" he feigns ignorance.

"Look, do you think I'm dumb? The probability of there being more than one person with a ridiculous hair colour of the same age, same body build in a remote town with a population of roughly 30,000 people is near to zero."

"But not . . . exactly zero."

"You fu-"

"Okay yeah fine, it was me. Now what are you gonna do about it, honey?" He smiles again, this one wider and more amused than all the ones from prior combined.

"I'm going to file a complaint about you of course. I'm sure no one wants the tourism value of Greenwoods to go down because rumors say there is a pair of young people taking advantage of non-locals' kindness."

"You don't have any evidence."

"You'll still get investigated."

That does the trick, because he starts to look around and then, slowly, begins to take some steps back.

I grab his sleeve. "Don't you even dare."

He sighs. "God I'm so unlucky when it comes to men."

"That's what you're worried about?" I ask dubiously, throwing July a look on the side that says, You hearing this shit?

"Okay look, I'm sorry for stealing your phone. In my defense I hadn't eaten anything for almost two days. And Nova needed to buy tampons."

I blink at him, then look around me. The place has become more crowded. The digital clock over the entrance door reads about 15 minutes left until 6. The brides will be here anytime now. But I need to settle this before the function starts because I know he will dip in the middle when I will not be in a position to go after him.

"Come, let's go outside," I say.

"Okay, but only because you're cute."

"Oh God." I see July throwing him a look.

We get out of the hall and then go down to the parking lot, where there aren't many people. We choose an empty corner. I keep clutching his sleeve the whole time, which honestly makes me feel slightly embarrassed. I keep looking at July to check if he's mad, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"Okay, now say whatever you want and get it over with." The thief leans against the gray wall.

Now I'm not really sure what to ask. But I go on anyway. "How much did you sell my phone for? Did you at least delete everything? Why do you steal when you are in a perfectly fit condition to find a job?"

"Now you're suddenly so curious about me. Man you haven't even asked my name." He lets out a sigh. I notice he doesn't have the Greenwoods accent. "To answer the first two questions, we haven't sold your phone. Nova was going to delete everything, but then she saw something in it and suddenly said she won't. And she won't show me what it is either. Anyways my opinion doesn't matter to her so she kept your phone safe and said she'll give it back to you if she ever finds you again. So chill."

I frown. Why do I find that hard to believe? I can't imagine what she could have seen in my phone that would make her decide not to sell it even if it means she won't have money for food and hygiene? That makes no sense. I didn't have much in my phone except the photos and a few apps that I barely used. But I still say, "Okay then you've found me. Now give it back."

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