chapter 43: an unexpected request

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"I told you you don't have to come," I whisper to him before knocking on the RV door.

Instead of going back home from the hospital, I told July that I have "something to do". At first I didn't want to tell him that I'm coming all the way back to his Nemesis' place, but he dragged it out of me anyway, then vehemently followed me here like a duckling. The whole way, he bugs me by asking just exactly what I want to do there. But I felt too embarrassed to tell him.

"I don't trust my cute little Cedar anymore," he says mournfully. "I'm afraid you really will commit a murder this time. And trust me, Heide will not stop you."

Weird relationship those two have. She didn't look the slightest bit fazed when I was hitting Rain yesterday. I wonder if it's because he gets beaten up often.

The door of the white van opens up, revealing Nova with a messy hair and . . . well, a red bra. I turn my eyes away, only to find July staring with an awed look on his face. I clear my throat and kick him in the Fibula. He yelps and gives me a flabbergasted look. Shameless guy.

"What an unexpected visitor," Nova says, in her deep voice. She looks like she just woke up from sleep.

I don't go for the pleasantries and say, "I want to talk to Rain about something." My eyes are fixed on a tree in the distance as I speak.

"If I remember correctly, you mentioned something along the lines of Don't ever come in front of my eyes to him yesterday."

I sigh, not having the energy for this. "Is he here or not?"

She purses her lips. "Nopes, he's gone out to work. But he'll be, um, back pretty soon I assume. So you can wait. If you want."

I don't want to have to revisit this place again, so I say, "Kay, I'll wait."

"Come in, then." She moves from the door.

I crease my brows. "You're inviting me in . . . to an empty RV?"

She gives me a wary look. "Kid, even an ant can tell you're not the slightest bit of a threat to me."

July chuckles, but quickly covers his mouth when I shoot him a look. I can't believe she said this, not after I literally punched her boyfriend to near-death 24 hours ago. I certainly am capable of a lot more than what people give me credit for, hmph. I point at the two plastic chairs sitting in front of the RV and reply, "I'll sit outside."

She looks annoyed, but ultimately says, "Fine." Then she goes in, closing the door. I guess that means she won't be joining me, so I go and sit down on one of the chairs. Just as July was about to sit on the other one, the door swings open again and she jumps out, hands busy buttoning an oversized flannel shirt. So they even share their clothes. Must be nice.

I wonder how she can be in a relationship with him while knowing everything he has done to July. But then again, she is the one who exposed him to the whole internet, and she didn't stop me at all from hitting him. Nothing clicks together over here. Maybe she acknowledges the bad part of him and stays with him anyway, maybe because there are good parts of him too. I, however, couldn't care less about the latter.

There are two cans of Pepsi in her hand. She throws one at me before she sits down with a sigh, and I haphazardly catch it. Not cool at all. July comes to stand beside me. In situations like this, he is always standing. So I gesture him with my eyes to come and sit in front of me on the ground. He shrugs and does so, his back facing me. He is really sitting between my legs. I can only imagine the things he must be thinking right now.

"So, how is your hand?" Nova asks in a leisurely tone, popping the Pepsi can.

I look at my hands. My knuckles are a bit bruised. July had applied some ointment on them while I was asleep. But they don't hurt. "It's fine."

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