chapter 50: coincidental reunion

186 35 58

13 August, 2019

This world of ours is unbelievably small.

I got up from sleep super early according to the sound of the alarm. July wasn't too happy about it. He was planning to turn the alarm off using my finger, but I woke up as soon as it started ringing, thanks to my light sleep. He told me to go back to sleep but I didn't budge, and instead sat with him with a challenging look on my face. Eventually he gave up. Then we sat at the window and listened to the birds in silence. Even that, toe, is time not wasted.

When the clock finally struck 7, we went downstairs. This nameless motel also has a nameless diner, which is where the residents usually have their meals. The woman who came to give me the blanket last night told us that, otherwise we wouldn't know.

Anyways, long story short: after I ordered my breakfast—pancake for filling my stomach and a cup of cold coffee to fight the sweltering heat—I decided to continue reading Dawn's notes in Norwegian Wood. July was sitting across from me. More people were slowly pouring in to the place.

That's when, on the table right behind me, I heard a familiar voice order a plate of waffles and a glass of beer. Confused at the familiarity and surprised at the odd combination for breakfast, I turned around. And guess who was sitting there, neutral face turning into that of sheer surprise at my sight.

"Truly, what a coincidence." Autumn gives me an amused smile.

I am now sitting at Autumn's table, across from her, July sitting beside me, a guitar case sitting beside her. She is the same girl I met in the cafe the night before my exams started, and the girl I went into a sort of fling—can it even be called a fling? What was it anyway?—for a while. In a way, it was because of her that I first realized that I have feelings for July. Apparently, the person I saw at the staircase yesterday when I was going down to ask for a blanket was her. She is staying in a room on the third floor all by herself.

"A huge coincidence," I reply, feeling somewhat uncomfy at the whole situation. Who next? My dead grandmother
who I've never met might as well end up in Greenwoods now.

The plate of waffles along with beer she ordered has already arrived, but my pancake and coffee haven't. When I asked her why she is drinking alcohol so early in the morning, she said that there is no such thing as the right time to drink.

"Indeed! Our first meeting was too, but this one a lot more so. Oh! And you were reading this book that day too." She points at Norwegian Wood with her eyebrows. "I didn't notice back then, but there are loads of sticky notes inside."

"Yeah, you're right," I reply, unsure of what else to say. An awkward silence begins between us.

"I'm going back to the room," July says, standing up. I open my mouth to stop him, but hold myself back when Autumn shoots me a questioning look. I watch July leave the diner before sighing and turning back to her.

"Everything alright?" she asks.

I shake my head. "Listen . . . I'm sorry."

"Oh? For what?"

"For . . . I don't know, I'm not sure where things were leading. But I was neglectful towards you. Neglectful, that's the last thing I ever want to be towards someone. In a way, perhaps I even lead you on, and took advantage of you. I'm really sorry. I'm not used to things like this, so, I wasn't really sure how to deal with it."

"Wow, how can I ever be mad at someone so sincere?" She laughs. "It's fine, forget about it. I could tell you were inexperienced. And yes, if I'm being honest, I was embarrassed. At myself. And I was angry at you. I guess both of those ended up being more of a driving force for me."

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