chapter 49: selfishness, or cowardice?

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"So . . . is this the part where I'm supposed to say some lie like You took the right decision or should I just be honest about it?" I ask, holding back my 5th sigh of the last ten minutes.

"You literally just said it's a lie," Edgar says, a layer of exhaustion evident under the annoyance in his voice.


"Fuck you."

I let the 5th sigh out. "Edgar, this is your life, and I probably cannot comprehend how bad the situation in your family is. But deliberately distancing yourself from all the things that make you happy isn't going to solve anything."

"Dude." He mutters curses under his breath. "It's not like I'm doing it because I want to. Trust me, the last thing I need right now is fucking depression. I don't know, man, it's . . . okay, I'll admit it, I'm kinda depressed, I guess?"

"Yeah, I'm not surprised."

He groans. "You know, I've never told anyone this, but like, there are moments when I kinda start feeling like all these sacrifices I'm making are completely pointless. That me and my family will never be able to come out of this goddamn shithole anyway. So I might as well just be selfish. Like hell, the urge to become selfish is so fucking strong sometimes, you know what I mean?"

I hear a groan from the other end. "But then, those are all kinda just momentary thoughts. Like they kinda just pass after I see the faces of my family. It makes me realize that I'm not the only one making a sacrifice here. All of them are. Heck, even Edith is. She literally hasn't asked for a new dress or a new toy since the start of this year, not even once. And all these things make me feel like, if I'm happy alone, then what's the point? It won't be true happiness anyway."

I transfer the phone from my right to left ear. "Hmm, I suppose I can understand where you're coming from. I don't think there is any right or wrong decision over here. It's just . . . a choice, you know? A choice between yourself and your family. And you're choosing your family because you prioritize them over yourself. That's it."

"Wow, thanks for explaining my own psychology to me, dude."

"Anyways, I'm proud of you for trying so hard for your family, and I'm sure they are proud of you too."

"But . . .?"

"But it's just that . . . I honestly don't want to see you just give up all that you've ever wanted. You might regret it so much at some point, Edgar. I don't want to see you in that kind of pain."

"Nah, I won't let that happen," he says, a hint of determination in his voice. "I'm still 17, I have my whole life ahead. I've got plenty of time to chase happiness! Right now, my family needs my support. And I'll give my all for them. Most people would have just thrown away a child like me, but they gave me love and a home instead. I'll die for these people."

Such intense emotions for family, I don't think I can relate with that. The thought makes me sad, but I still smile. "And I really respect you for that."

"Respect? Damn, that's a strong word."

"But it's true."

"Shut the fuck up. Why do you sound like you actually mean it?"

"Um, 'cause I do . . .?"

"Fucking hell."

"Dude, just take a compliment for God's sake."

"You shut up."

"That's it, I'm hanging up."

"No, listen! Wait! Hello?"

"Yeah, what, Mr. I-Blush-Everytime-Someone-Compliments-Me?"

"I'm literally going to snap your neck and kill you when you come back." A pause. "Speaking of, when exactly are you coming back?"

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