Chapter 33

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*1 week later*

Ravens POV
It's 12:00 am and it's now my birthday. I got a phone call so I just answered it without looking at the caller id.
"Hello?" I said

"HAPPY FUCKIN BIRTHDAY BESTFRIEND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!" Jayla yelled through the phone.

I love this girl. "Awee thank you bae !!" I replied

"your welcome. So what ya doing for ya bday? Nevermind just be ready by 2:00 we are going shopping and on a spa day then club and I have a suprise for you" she said

"okay. And what suprise? Please tell me" I said. I hate being suprised mainly because I nearly get a heart attack and because I'm so damn nosey. "It's called a suprise for a reason so I ain't gon tell ya! But after we go shopping and go to the spa I'm gonna bring you back to your crib, your gonna get dressed all sexy then we going to tha CLUB!!!! The suprise will be after. " Jayla yelled into the phone.

"Oh okay. Thank you bestfriend I love you!!" I said "your welcome and I love you too" she said back "ight now go to sleep" I said yawning "kk bye" she said then hung up.

*after the mall and spa*

"Thanks for taking me out today that was fun" I said giving jayla a hug as we walked into my house.

"Your welcome bestie. Now get ready we Finna go to the club. Ima get changed then be by here around 7:00" she said "okay" and with that she walked out my house. I ran upstairs to get ready.

*1 hour & 20 minutes later*
I just finished putting on my shoes when the door bell rang. I walked down stairs, opened the door and found jayla standing there with the same colors I had on.

She looked great. "Awe were matching" I said letting her in "barely. Nah I'm just playing but you look good! That ass looking right!" she said giving me a hug. We both laughed "thank you and you look good yourself" "ight now let's get outta here " she said and with that we were out the door.

*at the club*

This club is fyee. There were tons of rapper and singers. It was me, jayla, jayda, and Rhyon all having a good time.

* 3 hours later *

"Ight we needa be heading out we needa go to the restaurant" jayla said. "What restaurant?" I asked but she ignored me. "Ok let's go" Rhyon said
"What restaurant?" I asked again. And she ignored me AGAIN. "Jayla. What restaurant?" I asked again. "Just wait on it." She said smiling.

It wasn't just a regular smile. It was one of those devious smiles when she knows something or is planing something so I got kinda scared. "Jayla what trick you got up your sleeve now?" I asked folding my arms arm cross my chest as we drove out of the parking lot. "Just watch" she said as she kept driving.

It was around 11:00 and we pulled up to a golden gate. This does not look like a restaurant. "Are you sure this is a restaurant?" I asked "positive" she said as she typed in the gate code.

The golden gates opened and jayla drive through with Rhyon and jayda behind us. We got out the car and started walking. It was really dark so I couldnt even see. Jayla, jayda and Rhyon were all in front of me and were walking pretty fast for them to be in heels.

"Can y'all slow down" I asked "no now hurry up" jayla said still walking fast. We walked through a door and it was pitch black in the room.

"Jayla I don't walk fast in heels and you know that" I said as I stepped through the door and the room was dark. "It's too da-" I began to say but was cut off "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAVEN!!!" Yelled everyone especially jayla.

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