Chapter 1: The Arrival

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and her family belong to Voltage inc. And Be my princess 2 game.


Today, Sofia Kozar was coming to the fortress. I was in my room getting ready. I wore a long sleeve sheath dress. It was light violet. Snieg was in my room patiently sitting next to me. She has been very close to me. She was practically my wolf in a way.


Snieg's ears perked up. "Come in," I said. Ivan came into the room with Urey. He had his grey long sleeve shirt on. "Its time for us to go outside," he said. I gave him a smile. He offered me his arm and I took it. We walked outside together with Urey and Snieg behind us.

We waited outside for the woman to show up at he fortress. It wasn't snowing today. In fact, It was sunny today. It was a little warm which was rare for Sanct Sybil. Usually, the kingdom was snowy or cloudy. Ever since I came to the kingdom, the weather has been nice to us.

We saw a car in the distance. It must be her car. The car made its way to the front of the fortress. Ivan and I made our way down to the car. Snieg and Urey followed us and settled next to us. The driver opened the back door and a woman came out. She was tall and looked upperclass. She had sunglasses on. She wore a fur coat and long black skinny pants.

I heard Snieg and Urey growl next to us. "Sh....its ok," I said to them. They calmed down a bit. I saw her made her way to us. She only had eyes on Ivan though. I could see that she was taller than I was in height. Right when she was in front of Ivan, she took off her glasses. She had nice shade of green eyes. She gave a big smile to Ivan. "Ivan, it is good to see you." she said. She went over and gave him kisses on his cheeks.

"Hello Sofia. I would like to introduce you to my fiancee, Beverly Melrone," he said. He gestured his hand toward me. His other hand was on my small lower back. I saw her look down at me. I felt intimidated a bit. "Its nice to finally meet you," she said. She extended her hand to me. "I'm Sofia Kozar," she said. I took her hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you too," I said softly. She turned back to Ivan. "I didn't know that you were engaged Ivan," she said. Ivan had a straight face. "We will be announcing it to the world very soon. Only the nobles and the ministers know about our relationship," he said. She gave nod to him.

Mikhail made his way towards us. "We should head inside. I will escort Miss Kozar to her room," he said. I saw Sofia frown a bit when Mikhail called her "Miss" Kozar. "That is a good idea," Ivan said. We made our way inside the fortress and decided to meet each other at dinner. I made my way to the library to study.

At dinner, we sat near the head of the table. Ivan sat at the head of the table. I sat at his left while Sofia sat on his right. "So Beverly, how did you two meet. I expect that you met at the ball in Nobel Michel. I remember hearing that the ball was for the princes to decided on a bride," she said. I looked up from my salad. Ivan decided to step in. "We met at the vet hospital. She was the nurse at the time. She was helping with my wolves check up," he said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Really. You should know that woman are not allowed to work in Sanct Sybil," she said. I knew she would ask that question. "I didn't know that when I came to this country," I said. "We didn't really meet until Ivan came to the vet hospital because Snieg had a leg injury. I fixed her up," I said. I saw Ivan reached his hand over to my hand and gave my hand a squeeze. I looked up to him and gave him a smile. He gave me a smile back.

At the corner of my eyes, I saw sofia give us a look of disgust. I felt a bad vibe come from her.


Hi everyone.

I am working on a Final Fantasy XIII story. Whoever played the game might be interested. It will be a Hope Estheim love story. More info will be said at a later date.

Let me know what u think.

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