Chapter 3: Abigail and the gang

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Abigail's pov

October 9, 1969

Being a teenager in Tulsa means one thing, being tough. Everyone is tough.
The boys, the girls, the kids, the parents, sibling. Any relationship of any kind you have to have a thick skin or you won't survive.

The gang is a little bit more welcoming than most people in Tulsa but they're not afraid to get in a little toss up every now and then. I'm usually always going at it with Steve. He's just so opinionated and someone needs to shut him up. Sodapop on the other hand can just keep talking for hours if he wants to, I'll listen to his voice any day. Sure over the past few years I've developed a crush for him, I don't think anyone knows or at least hopefully no one does. Taylor would know if she were with me.
But the thing is is that she's not. And never will be again.

Let's see, Darry is pretty much like a dad to me, and a much better one than my own ever was. He just has that fatherly figure, he will make a great one someday. Even his dad and him looked like brothers not father son.
Ponyboy on the other hand is like a younger brother to me. He sees me as an older sister and nothing more. We bicker and have disagreements but we always work it out. Keep in mind, a winston always gets what they want. Dally taught me that years ago.

I've gotta look out for myself.

Last but not least is Twobit and Johnny. He's a sweetheart. We usually end up on the floor telling one another to call uncle but neither of us ever do. Sometimes we almost knock one another out from being so stubborn.
Johnny is the kind of boy that'll slip me a cigarette every now and then, it only works on dally because he loves us too much.

Well anyways, all in all my relationship with the gang is perfectly perfect. I couldn't be happier. Well that's a lie. We all know what could make me happier. Taylor.

A loud knock interrupted my heavy thoughts.

I opened up the bathroom door to find Dallas bent over in a really awkward position.

"You okay there?" I giggled.
"Move! I've been holding it for like 10 minutes" he whined and shoved me to the hallway and shut the door with his foot.
"Ahhh." he released. I rolled my eyes.
"You're such a wuss" I yelled through the door.
"Shut up. Quit taking so much time in the bathroom" I smiled.
"I'll take as much damn time as I need winston." I shouted sarcastically through the door. Then it opened up.
"No you won't. This winston needs bathroom time too" he put me over his shoulder and walked down the stairs.
"But my shoes" I whispered dramatically
"Oh well. Looks like you'll have to walk barefoot. It'll teach you not to take so long in the bathroom and make us late for the Curtis' breakfast." He explained.

Their were still people passed out in the bar. Buck waved us good bye and dally finally set me down once we were down the patio.

"I look like a hobo" I complained and laughed slightly.
"Oh well" he shrugged and lit up a cigarette.

I was dying for one. Dallas got me hooked on cancer sticks a few years back but he took away my rights. I was addicted, like really badly addicted.
I always carry around my lighter and a blade, now all I need is one out of his pack so I can sneak outside while we are at the Curtis's.

Dally and I walked in silence. A good one. I was looking up at the sky.
"Glass, 11 o'clock" he warned and I jumped out of the way and into his body, perfect distraction. I reached my hand into his huge leather jacket and got one and slipped it in my back pocket.
"I hate you sometimes" I slapped his arm.
"Well since you said that I'm going to need that back" I froze up, on the inside, outside I played it cool, a trick I learned from dally.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I shrugged and walked in front of him.
"Sure you don't." He sounded calm.
"Than what's that I. Your back pocket?" He asked. Then I froze and shoved it down deeper.
"Nothing..." I quickened my pace. I need it.
"You know you need to work at your lying." He told me, I began running.

"You'll never catch me alive winston" I called out jokingly.
"Oh I'll get you Winston" he shouted. I could hear him getting closer. I turned my head to look back. He was a few yards behind me. When I faced forward I was too late, my foot had stepped in some beer bottle pieces. Dally must not have noticed because when I stopped he came up to me.
"Hand it over" he stuck out his hand.
I just pointed down. I wasn't really that bad. No glass was inside my foot, it had just scratched it moderately.
"Holy shit. are you okay?" Dally picked me up and jogged to the Curtis house.
"I fine. Really. It doesn't hurt that bad." I tried to tell him.
"Tell that to the blood trail Abs" he replied when we got to their porch.
Dally kicked the door open with his foot.

"And good morning to you too dally" Twobit said while looking down at his cake.
The rest of the gang seemed to be In The kitchen.
"Get me a chair two" dally asked
"No man. Get it yourself" twobit kept his eyes glued to the television.
"My hands are a little full" dally explained then Twobit finally looked up.

"Holy mother of god! Abigail!" Twobit ran to the kitchen then dinning room to get the gang and a chair.

Dally sat me down. I didn't love attention, especially when my injury was my fault. Even if it happened in a rumble or something. I hate getting attention.

In seconds my leg was propped up on the table and everyone was surrounding me.
"Really boys, it's not a big deal. It doesn't even hurt" I tried to explain.

"It's okay if it does" Sodapop took my hand.
I smiled at him and Darry cleaned it up as fast as possible.
"No stitches no nothing, just a bandage. I guess you were right" Darry patted my leg and got up.

"Why weren't you wearing any shoes anyways?" Ponyboy furrowed his eyebrows.
"Oh you guys will find this funny" I started the story. For some reason I find my pain and humiliation the funniest thing in the world. If it makes me laugh, most people are laughing along with me. Not at me, with me.

I gasped for air and continued my story.
"You know, your laugh fills the room with so much joy" soda whispered in my ears. I smiled a big smile.

He's the sweetest thing known to man.
I've just gotta wrap my fingers around him before it's too in late.


Writing this fanfic brings me so much joy!!! I can't wait for Taylor to meet the gang!(: or will she?!

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