Ch.1 The accident

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I skidded upwards on the ramp, and a chorus of 'oohs' ring out. I sigh, and lay there as Steven comes and holds out his hands. I take them, and cringe when the scrapes of my hands touch his.

I feel unbalanced on my knees, not being able to stand straight. Steven let's go of my hands, and smirks,"This is why I told you to wear paddings pendeja." I roll my eyes and. push him playfully.

"Shut up gringo, I do what I want whenever I want, and your the one who always says ride or die, so it's kind of your fault." I say pointedly, and he laughs. I follow him up the ramp, and he turns to me.

"Watch the king." he says, and readies his feet into a skating position. I cross my arms and watch as he goes down. He goes up on the other ramp and does a 180, and I smile, impressed again.

He comes up next to me, and picks up his board like a trophy, and deeply says,"Steven Fernandez will always live." I laugh, and then I try to skate across the ramps.

I go down, and then up the ramp. I try to turn my board back around, but slide down again. I hear my board go off somewhere, and hear Steven coming to save me again.

I feel my face getting hot again for falling. I hear laughter, and a far ways voice say,"If you can't ride a skateboard, then stop skating." and more laughter.

Steven picks me up, and I look for my board, which is in front of the voice that had said that. I growl, an Steven pats my shoulder,"Ay don't let them get to you,k?"

I nod, and go for my board. The group of girls look up as I walk toward my board, and they giggle loudly. I get my board, an look at them all.

"Shut your bitchy mouths up, you guys can't even get on a skate board." I sneer, and they all look surpirised, except for Natalia Garcia, the bitch queen herself.

"I can't? Of course I can, my brother skates so, that means I can to." She smiles at me, and I smiles back, forcibly,"Sorry, but it doesn't work that way whore." Her eyes are angry, but she keeps cool.

I smile, and leave as Steven comes up to me. He leads me to the bench on the other side of the skate park, and says"So, what happened." more like a statement than a question.

I shrug,"She pissed me off and was saying I shouldn't skate." He nods, and puts a arm around me, and says,"Whatever they can suck my ass." I laugh and get up to skate around the bench.

I do an ollie, and Steven smirks. I glare at him and he does it better that me. I roll my eyes and say,"Why is everything like a competition for you?" He shrugs, and goes back to skating.

"Don't fall." I say, and he looks up at me and curses when he lands on his butt. He stands up and rubs it,"Ow ma booty." I laugh, and say,"Lets pray for your booty then, cause you'll need it."

He glares at me,"Why don't we pray for yours since you got a flat ass." I stare at him,mouth opened. I push him and say,"Shut up I have a bigger ass than you." he laughs and tries to get to it.

"STEVEN!" I shriek, and he gets it. I laugh, and he sits with me."Why are we friends?" I ask, and he picks up my skateboard and looks at it. He says,"Because I'm using you to get more girls."

I giggle, and see that the bearings of my board are loose, and Steven says,"The screws are loose, wanna go over to my house to fix them?" I think about it, and say yes.

I get up and take my board back and help Steven up. He walks out the skate park, and I follow him. We hear people saying bye, and I wave without turning. We walk to his house, and he leads me to his room and gets his tools.

I wait by his door, and his mom passes by, and I say,"Hola Mrs.Fernandez." she hugs me and greets me back. She motions to me to the kitchen, and asks,"¿quieres algo de tomar?"

I shake my head no, but then say yes, and she hands me a Capri sun. I thank her and Steven comes in with my board, and gets a juice before he goes outside to his yard. I follow him and he sits down on the dirt and starts tightening the bearings.

I watch him, and he finishes screwing them and moves on to his board. I finish my juice throw it away, and go back to Steven, who's doing a kick flip that turns into a kick flop.

My phone vibrates, and check to see who texted me, and it was my mom telling me to come home. I say Stevens name,and he stops and walks to me, and says,"Whats up."

I roll my eyes,"I have to go home since we've been in the skate park since morning, the came here.My mom says if you want to have lunch with us." He doesn't hesitate to say yes. I laugh and I go to the street and put my board down.

I skate to the street light, and hear Steven behind me and I stop on the stoplight, and motion Steven to stop. he comes next to me, and looks both ways.

"There aren't any cars right now, let's go, your mom's tamales are waiting." he says, and I laugh, and hesitate. He's in the middle of the streets and he motions me to cross.

I shrug a weird feeling, and start skating to him, and my board slips from under me. I fall, and sigh again. I look up to Steven and expected to see him laughing, but has his mouth opened, no noise coming out.

His mouth seems to be mouthing my name, and the last thing I hear is a motorcycle roaring in my ears.


Hey fam,
I started this book today😂 the day in Baby Aaron's birthday awwww😂💯 wish him a happy birthday btw. Lol comment if you like this book or if I should keep writing because the first chapter is really crappy.

Pls vote if it's good and comment😅

[If your reading this cuz you "like" Steven and his looks hop off cuz your fake asf]

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