Ch.13 the kiss

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*Evelyn's POV*
I kissed Aramis.

What am I supposed to do? I kissed the guy my friend likes! But he kissed me, no but still I kissed back so my fault, all of it. Did I look that pitiful? What's happening.

I sigh in frustration, and someone knocks the door. "Evelyn is that you?" I hear, and I open the door to see Julieta. I smile and nod,"Yeah hey." She tries a smile, but it dissolves. I step out and look at her, concerned,"What's wrong?"

"Martha, she's way to high and drunk and I...I don't want anything happening to her! Guys are feeling her up and she's only 12!" Julieta says, starting to breath hard. I take her shoulders and say,"Okay we'll go and find her and leave okay?" She nods, and grabs my hand, leading me into the living room.

I scan the room for Martha, and see her immediately, or heard her, yelling in delight and dancing. There's people around her, drunk and grinding. I go up to her and say,"Martha let's go." She turns to me, bloodshot eyes swimming, and she smiles,"Let loose! Don't be a party pooper Evelyn, it's a party."

I roll my eyes, and instead say,"Let's go outside! There's people who! And coolers." She whoops and she leads Julieta and I outside. I grab her Hand firmly and as soon as we're outside, we both drag her as far as possible from the party. She stumbles along with us, confused at first and following us.

We went through the alley that takes us to my neighborhood, and Martha slowly started protesting,"Wait let's go back I don't see any vodka or coolers!" We tug harder, out of the alley, and into my neighborhood. She starts trying to pull away and I say,"C'mon Martha, I have beer at my house."

She gives in, but walks hesitantly. We finally reach my house and we go inside. I close the door behind me and sigh,"Go give her milk or something so she won't get much of a hangover tomorrow." She nods and Martha follows absently.

I go upstairs, and knock on my parents room. I hear my mom saying to come in, and she smiles,"Hey, how was the party? Oh did you go in that?" She points at my Dgk shirt and I nod,"Yeah, um, mom? There was some beer that people brought in..."

She sits up, my dad snoring, and she walks out into the hall. She closes the door, and I take a shaky breath. I have a feeling she thinks I drank. She looks down at me and says,"You didn't tell me that, did you drink?" Yes. I did, I wasn't pressured but I did drink, but I didn't even drink a whole can just a few sips.

"No, it's not that." I lie,"It's my...friend, well Julieta's cousin got drunk and high. But I was wondering if she can stay here?" My mom sighs, relieved, and nods,"Yes she can, you scared me for a second, I thought you drank or something."

I laugh, but a stab inside me,"Don't worry ma, I'm gonna go downstairs now." She nods and kisses my head,"Okay don't be so loud okay? Good night." I go back downstairs and into the kitchen, where Martha has her head down, and Julieta rubbing her back.

I sit across Martha and mentally groan. I'm gonna have to deal with her, and she doesn't even like me. Julieta gets up and says she's going to the bathroom. I nod, and stare at Martha, and I jump when she mumbles something.

"What?" I ask her, and she looks up at me clenching her eyes and says,"Why are you being nice to me." I sigh, and stare at her. Why am I being nice? Because that's who I am? Because I had to?

"No one deserves to be alone... Your lucky you have Julieta or you would've been raped or something." I say, and she opens her eyes. She starts crying quietly, and puts her head down. I feel a pang of sadness, and then Julieta comes in. She looks at me confused, and I say,"Let's go upstairs, I'll lend you guys pajamas."

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