Ch.15 Movie time

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I hear my alarm ringing loudly and I wake up and groan. I turn it off, and then check the time,6:40. I get a black Dgk shirt and blue jeans. I change and put in my vans, and tie my hair up in a ponytail then brush my teeth. I get my skateboard and backpack, and head downstairs.

I get cereal, and eat. I sit there, and my mind drifts to George...Oh George. I shouldn't be the guilty one right? He was offending me and talking about Steven badly. But I miss him, Aramis reminds me of George, but George was being a jerk.

I know it sounds crazy, but I miss George. I've known him and the guys, aka Jake and Matt for two years and now I'm completely ignoring them. I just want them back as my friends and maybe George is over me?  Possibly.

I wash my dishes and then start heading out. I skate out in the morning air, and through my neighborhood. I go out on the streets and there's a few cars driving. I stay on the side walk, and slowly come to a stop at Stevens front gate. I open it and being my board with me, and close it.

I walk through the back and into their house, and wait in the kitchen. But not for long, and go knock on Stevens door, well his and his brothers. There's no one answering, and them someone says,"They're asleep... Lazy asses." She mutters the last part and it's Jackie, and I sigh.

Can you wake up your brother? I don't really wanna go in there if he's in his boxers." She laughs and then says,"Well I'm not sure if I even wanna see him." I laugh along and roll my eyes. I slowly open the door and look at Jackie, whose giggling. I walk in and hear snoring.

I giggle, and then see Steven sprawled out on his bed. I go over to him, and shake his bare shoulder. "Steven," I whisper,"Dude wake up, come skate with me." He grunts and I smell his breath. I gag, and wave my hand in front of me, brushing off the bad breath smell.

"I'm stealing your board then, I've always wanted a Gold deck." I say, smirking and he opens he eyes. "You wouldn't dare take apart my board." He croaks and I laugh. I get out as he drags himself to change. I see Mrs.Fernandez cooking eggs and she smiles,"Hola Evelyn, comisteis?" I nod when she asked if I ate already, and say in Spanish,"Thank you but I already ate, I'm just waiting for Steven."

She nods and Jackie sits down next to me and her mom gives her a plate of eggs and I watch them. I feel bad coming to their house whenever they offer me things, they have a few things and I have more than them. I just hope  Steven grows up and supports his family. Him or his older siblings.

I get up an decide to wait outside and say goodbye to Mrs.Fernandez and Jackie. I sit by the gate and wait. I hear someone opening the gate and I look up to find Aramis. He opens his mouth and blushes. I laugh and say,"Hey." He nods and sits next to me.

"Hey, waiting for Steven?" He asks and I nod,"You still coming to the movies with Stephy and I right?" He nods and then we fall silent. My thoughts: I don't know if I like Aramis or not, do I want to go out with him? I always had a feeling for Aramis but never like this, it was just... There.

His thoughts: I have no idea. I wish this wasn't so hard, and out of no where this suddenly sprung out. I glance at him, and he's looking down. I bump my shoulder with his,"You okay?" I ask, and he looks up. He smiles,"Yeah I'm alright, just thinking."

I rest my head on his shoulder and I feel him tense up. Okay? I pull away and feel bad. What if I got the wrong idea? Oh geez me having all these feelings and he might be messing with me. He must've sense me pull away fast and he says,"I'm sorry, I just-.... I need to tell you something."

I look at him, questioning and worried. I care about Aramis because he's my friend, not just some crush. He sighs, and says,"Evelyn, I like you but I don't know if you want to go out with me... There's a lot of things going on that I wish I could say."

I look at him, and smile,"Hey, I like you to and I get it." It's his turn to lay his head on my shoulder, and I blush. We stay like this and I hear Steven saying bye to his mom. Aramis and I start getting up and I start opening the gate.

"If you'd taken my board apart I would take yours apart to." Steven says, and I laugh. We all start skating to school and I say,"You guys still coming to the movies? With Stephy and I." They mutter yeah an I roll my eyes. We skate for a few more minutes and we stop in front of the school.

We pick up our boards and start walking to the office to leave our boards. We out them behind the front desk, and then head out to home room. We sit down and I see Julieta sitting with her cousin, Martha. Then Mary comes in, and looks at me and smiles.

My stomach drops as I wave how could I have forgotten about Mary? She suffered the most when Ariana left. She sits down and I see Julieta look at her. I look away and say,"So..." Aramis looks at Steven, and I keep going,"What's up with you guys."

They may think I didn't realize that they're acting weird, they're hiding something. I saw the bruise on Aramis's face and they're covering something up. They glance at each other and Steven stutters.

"Well you know, we were in the ghetto-" he starts and Aramis cut him off,"No, look me and Steven had a small brawl and I accidentally hurt myself." I look at them, Aramis looking cool about it and Steven nodding.

"How'd you get hurt?" I ask, now worried. He took notice and says quickly,"I'm okay I just hit myself and Stevens... Shoulder." I sigh, I wanted to ask why they were fighting but it was to much, so I left it as it is.

Stephy comes in and she smiles. I wave and I move to the seat next to Aramis so she can sit with Steven. She sits and then says,"Still up for the movies today?" We nod and Steven says,"Six right?" I nod and our teacher comes in and tells us to do the warm up in the board.

We turn away and start working. It was math, something I'm horribly bad at. While I'm working, a piece of paper lands in front of me. I slowly bring it towards me and open it. I solve the math equations as I look down and read the note.

Do you want to be my girlfriend?
C- yes

I glance at Aramis, whose blushing and I smile. I circle A, and then fold the note and pass it to him. I finish the warm up and then smile. He asked me out, on a piece of paper yeah but he asked me out. I felt so happy and jittery.

I turn back to Steven and Stephy and see that he seems mad, so I turn back around and leave him alone for the rest of the class period.

•Later on after school•

I put my board down and Aramis smiles at me and I giggle. He makes me feel so happy and I never even knew that he was so sweet. We start skating, Steven behind us with Stephy.

"What movie should we watch later?" I ask and he shrugs,"Whatever you want, or what they want." He motions to Steven and Stephy and I nod.

We wait for them at the light stop and pick up our boards. Aramis holds my hand and rests his head on mine since he's taller. I push the button to cross and it instantly tells us to cross. Aramis and I cross along with Stephy and Steven behind us.

When we get there, we all agree on watching Jack and Jill. We get snacks and then go watch it. We sit at the very top an there's a lot of people. We all talk since the movie hasn't started.


Hey yooo!!! This is kinda a filler and sorry >_< I've been having loads of he and I do write in my free time but I'm trying to make the chapters long:)

Song of the dia:
The ghost of you//MCR

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