The safe zone

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We talked about everything that had happened and we all agreed not to trust Jay if we were to ever see him again. We decided to stay with Ryland and his group. Zion wasn't too happy but I told him to suck it up and deal.

"Well, at least we won't have to fight alone," I said, trying to change Zion's mind. He wasn't very happy.

"What?" He asked.

"What's your deal, Zion? You act like it's the end of the world" I said.

"Just leave him alone," Riley said out of nowhere. I didn't answer. "It's Obvious he doesn't want to talk to you so scram," She said rudely. Rude af I stormed off. Okay, I don't like her at all. Her brothers are nicer than her and he's pretty cocky!

"What's your deal?" Ryland asked.

"Your sister" I sat down in a chair, crossed my arms, and stared out the window.

"What did she do?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter if she's, right," I said.

"Ignore her, she just doesn't like the fact that we let you guys stay with us," Ryland said.

"Whatever" I replied. He sighed and then walked off. I looked at Riley and she smirked. Oh boy this is gonna be fun

"So, how are you liking it here?" Addison asked me.

"Meh, I mean most of you are nice and all," I said.

"Oh yeah, there are a few rotten bananas in the bunch" She eyes Riley and Cooper.

"Oh those two," I said.

"Has either of them given you trouble yet?" Addison asked.

"Yeah Riley, she's rather rude" I frowned.

"She just doesn't like other people; she's that way towards all of us," Addison said. "Ryland said she's been that way since their parents died" she added.
"Oh," I said.

"Addison! Cooper! Kylie and Zion come here" Ryland said. We all went over to where Ryland was.

"So, there's not much food here and I'd like all of you to come with me to get more food and some supplies'' Ryland explained. Zion rolled his eyes. I sighed. It's gonna be a while till he loses his attitude....
"Okay I'm in," I said. Zion elbowed my arm but I ignored him.
"Okay" Everyone else agreed. Zion rolled his eyes again and walked off. I grabbed his arm.
"Zion just because you don't like it here doesn't mean you should be rude," I said. I let go of his arm and went back over to the

"Whatever" Ryland said.

"How about now? It's starting to get dark so the sooner the better" I said.

"Okay we'll head out" Ryland announced. We walked to the doors. We unlocked the doors and snuck out. We walked towards the buildings next to us and hid in the shadows. We came to a grocery store and headed inside. I looked around for anything and spotted some granola bars and some chips on a shelf. I looked around some more and then walked over to the food. I stuffed them in a bag I had found and turned around.

"Well look who decided to join us" I heard Addison say. I peeked over the shelf curiously and saw Zion. I shook my head. He's confusing... I found some more chips and some bread. Surprisingly, the bread wasn't stale or old yet.

"Well, there isn't really anything left here.." Ryland said, sounding disappointed. We left the store and headed into the town more. We found a few more stores and shops along the way but there wasn't much left in them. It was almost dark by the time we were headed back, so we had to be extra careful, extra quiet, and stay in the shadows.

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