The One

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It was a typical, idol Thursday morning in Garfield High School. Sleepy teenagers moved slowly at their desks, opening books and digging for writing utensils. It was far enough into the week that even the teachers began to feel the drain that only the weekend could relieve. It was far enough into the school year that the kids had lost any drive that they had begun with months earlier. Kate sat poised in her seat, but not in any particular way, just slightly more alert than the others. Her long poorly bleached and blue dyed hair barely pulled back into a loose ponytail matched the rest of her relaxed look. To the naked eye she was barely more than unremarkable, just like any other 17 year old girl. She watched the teacher as he paced back and forth in front of his cluttered desk, history book open, raving about the lack of proof of the genocide of six million Jews. His personal political views made her stomach turn, he was such an ignorant piece of shit, but she would hold her tongue and let the anger fester.

Mr. Mac's paranoid rambling was interrupted by a tap on the door. He snapped the book closed with one hand and leaned awkwardly over to look through the long vertical slit of glass on the door. Giving whoever was on the other side an impatient and somewhat irritated look he gestured violently towards himself with his free hand. The door quickly opened. Kate's attention was immediately drawn, and if anyone had been watching her, they would have taken notice. He was slim, but not exactly small, with delicate features. Watching him enter the room you could tell he was quiet, reserved, and even shy perhaps. Handing Mr. Mac a small green piece of paper his hands went quickly back down to his sides.

Reading the note Mr. Mac nodded a little then lifted his eyes and quickly scanned the room. He pointed the boy to a seat towards the back of the room, just a few seats from Kate. "What do you prefer to be called Mr. Ellis?" The blonde boy turned back as he reached the seat and simply said, "Riley."

Mr. Mac's ignorance no longer had its hold on Kate. She was having a hard time concentrating on anything other than new kid who had just walked in. If sunshine was a person, this was it. Like a breath of fresh air in a room that had been locked tight for year. It was only when he himself began to look around the room and spotted her, that she realized she had been staring at him. Riley blushed slightly and smiled at her. A hot sensation rushed through her body as she tried to smile back. Her attention snapped back to the front of the classroom. She was looking at Mr. Mac but her mind was on Riley. He was perfect, her heart pound hard in her chest as she thought about him, it was certain. He was the one.

She knew she couldn't be obvious, that would be foolish. After the initial smile Kate fought to keep from looking at him for the rest of the class period. As soon as the bell rang she was up and on her way to the cafeteria. She had a plan, like all plans it was to be stuck to in order to avoid any screw ups. That's when she felt the hand on her shoulder. Any other day it could have been Jenny, but this hand was larger and heavier. "Hey." The friendly male voice said. Kate turned to find herself face to face with the new kid, Riley. She stood stunned and silent for a moment as she took him in. He was just slightly taller than her, maybe 5'8" or 5'9", she could work with that. His blue eyes cheerfully looked into hers awaiting a response. "Hi." Kate said shortly. This was not part of the plan.

Riley's confidence slowly shattered in front of her, that's what she was waiting for, that was the selling trait. Insecurity. Kate quickly flashed her Barbie smile as she grabbed his hand and shook it. "I'm Kate." She let go of his hand as his confidence seemed to trickle back. "I'd love to stay and chat Riley, but I have to meet my dad for an appointment. See you later." Kate half ran half jogged out to the parking lot beside the cafeteria doors. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Looking out she spotted her dad's blue pickup. Walking up to it she pulled her phone and checked it. She had a message from Jenny. 'Bitch that better not be UR new BFF.' Kate smiled to herself, of course Jenny would have seen the only exchange between them. She laughed to herself as she texted back. 'New kid. GTG.'

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