The Life Party

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Naomi and Riley showed up at the same time, they were eyeing each other curiously when Jenny opened the door. Any suspicions that Naomi had waiting with Riley at the door disappeared when Jenny opened it. She dashed in grabbing Jenny and moving to the center of the entryway. "Bitch is gunna live!" She shouted like the teenage cheerleader she was. Kate's eyes opened wider with shock. Her dad smiled as he leaned into view, and then cleared his throat. "Sorry Mr. Belfast," Naomi quickly apologized, "I got real excited." He smiled and nodded at her, "It's something to be excited about." His gazed shifted quickly to the young man that followed Naomi in. Jenny turned to follow his gaze, she walked over and grabbed Riley by the arm. "This is Riley Mr. Belfast. He's new at our school."

Riley had the typical reaction when first meeting Martin Belfast. Apprehension. Martin crossed the room and held his hand out to Riley. "Nice to meet you Riley, how are you finding our town?" Without skipping a beat Riley put his hand inside the bear paw and responded. "It's quite nice Sir, and the girls were very welcoming." Kate festered deep down, not going to plan at all.

Her dad had ordered a ton of food and an ice cream cake. It felt like a little kids birthday party, but she didn't know how a life party was supposed to feel. And to be fair, neither did her dad. The feeling she had for her dad grew, he just wanted everyone to know that they weren't going to lose her too. He was a good dad.

A few hours into this life party everyone seemed at ease. The girls were a common fixture in the Belfast house since they had met in elementary school, and Riley was quickly fitting in. Kate had gotten up to grab another pop from the kitchen when her dad met her by the fridge. His face was lit with curiosity, "Do you like this kid Riley?" He asked innocently. "Dad!" Kate huffed almost embarrassed, "He's just a friend, you're worse than Jenny!" He took her pop from her and opened it, handing it back, "It's okay to like a boy Katie Bug, just be safe." Her eyes widened and her face flushed. She lowered her voice and whispered harshly, "Dad! Are you trying to have a sex talk with me? Right now?" He gave her a confirming look. "Dad! Stop!" she whined as she whirled out of the kitchen.

Kate tried not to look horrified as she sat back down with her friends. Her dad came into the room, "I've had a wonderful evening with you kids. But I do have to work tomorrow morning, if ya'll want to stay longer you can move to the back yard. There's plenty of wood for the fire pit, and you can have music just keep it at a respectable level." Naomi smiled, "Thank you Mr. Belfast! Have a good night!" He smiled back a Naomi, "You too! Good night kids."

After the kids had moved outside Kate and Jenny were lighting a fire in the pit. "Your dad is so cool." Naomi said hooking her phone up to the blue tooth speakers. "Defiantly not like my folks." Riley stated. "Her dad is way nicer than most people's parents." Jenny agreed. "Look what I swiped from my mom's collection!" Naomi said quietly as she pulled a large vodka bottle from her backpack. "Damn girl, light up this party!" Riley said smiling. Jerking the bottle back against her chest Naomi held it tight, "How are your parents about you not coming home tonight? Our little group has a big no drinking and driving rule." She shot a glance over at Kate. "I don't even have a car." Riley stated, seeing how somber the party had suddenly became. "And my folks aren't going to notice me gone." "Okay than, bottoms up!" Naomi chimed, her bright white teeth contrast against her dark skin.

"Do you go Garfield?" Riley asked, now seemingly more interested in Naomi. Jenny nodded, "Cheerleaders have been gone on a week long camp. She'll be back on Monday." She clamored over Naomi, with Kate in tow to grab the bottle. "Is your dad going to snap if he finds us drinking in the back yard?" Riley asked looking nervously back at the house. Jenny laughed, "Oh I don't think her dad has the necessary temperament required to snap. He'd probably not even raise his voice." She giggled as she took a drink and passed it to Kate. She nodded in agreement, "He'd say something like I'm really disappointed in you kids. Then drive everybody home. He'd just be glad we weren't out driving." Kate thought for a moment, she didn't think he had what it took to snap but something inside would break for sure if he ever caught them drinking and driving.

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