Not to Plan

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Riley opened her door to find her still in bed. He sat on the edge and gently shook her, "Kate, hey." She sat up; the look in her eyes was hunger, in its purest form. Her face was flushed and he could feel her body buzzing slightly. "Hey sleepyhead it's after noon." He smiled at her, her excitement was infectious. Kate leaned forward and kissed Riley, every sensation was electric for her. Riley was torn, he wanted to crawl into bed with her, but also was apprehensive about the food getting cold downstairs. "I brought you lunch." She smiled and pushed him back, following off the bed herself. She was hungry.

They sat at the table quietly eating the monster burgers from the cute little ma and pa restaurant down the street. Kate licked the fry salt off her fingers, "Good choice." Riley smiled, "I thought so." She pointed at him, "I owe you a phone today too." Riley smiled, "It's okay I can get another in a couple days." Kate shook her head, "No I broke it. Besides if my dad found out he'd probably take my car again. Know when to own up!" She giggled as she impersonated him with the last comment. Riley laughed at the impersonation; he had already heard it as well. "It's no rush. We'll get it done when we get it done." Kate liked Riley's no rush attitude today, that would make this so much simpler.

He gathered up the mess from lunch and stuffed it in the bag. Glancing into the living room he gestured, "You want to watch a movie?" Kate lazily lounged on the couch, her feet in Riley's lap. She would occasionally toy with him by knocking the remote off his leg. It was about halfway through the movie when Kate decided it was time. She slid on to Riley's lap and started kissing him. His hands went around her waist. Kate's heart was pounding like a jack hammer; she was afraid Riley might hear it. She could tell that Riley was really getting into it, and then she stopped and stood up. "Gimme a sec." She said and walked out of sight into the kitchen.

Kate silently pulled the knife out of the drawer and poised herself against the edge of the counter, just so the knife was out of sight. "You want to get in the pool?" She called to him. "I don't have a suit!" He called back. "You won't need one!" Kate stated, she braced herself when it sounded like Riley jumped over the couch. He rushed into the dining room with astounded expression on his face. Kate use his own inertia, it didn't take much effort for the blade to slide into Riley almost entirely. He stopped suddenly, their bodies so close they were touching.

Riley let out a quick sharp breath, and then gasped. Kate didn't take her eyes off of his. He had a look of shock mixed with pain. His eyes left hers as they dropped down to her hand, and the handle of the knife that was embedded in his torso. Kate had managed to run the blade just under his diaphragm, whatever the knife had hit, it would be critical. She took a quick second to look down, there wasn't much blood, she expected more. "Kate." He managed to gasp. She could tell he was trying to figure out what just happened.

She started to pull the knife out slightly when she abruptly pushed the blade upward and thrusted it back into him again. Riley pushed her back with surprising strength before she could take the knife to its hilt. He struggled to brace himself on the counter, now blood was everywhere. Kate had been knocked to the ground, knife still gripped tightly, she had learned her lesson with the German Sheppard. Don't get over zealous and hold on tight. As Riley turned he stumbled and fell to the dining room floor. Kate followed after him. "Get away from me you crazy bitch!" He struggled to yell. She watched him with a strange curiosity as she moved closer. He was bleeding out. Weakly he struggled to move away from her.

Kate knelt down beside him. "Why?" His voice muddled, blood was in his mouth. "It's nothing personal Riley, I like you, a lot. I just knew from the moment I saw you, I wanted to watch you die." Her tone was calm and even and it disturbed him. She watched as a few tears slid down his cheek, then it was over. Nope, this was definitely what it felt like for Riley yesterday.

Kate sat next to Riley for a few moments, she was exhausted. Everything tingled and there was a low ringing in her ears. She would enjoy this for a moment longer, before she started to clean up.

She pulled the sheet of plastic that she had stolen from her dad's truck into the dining room. First she was going to have to get Riley out of here. She grabbed a dish rag from the cabinet and began meticulously cleaning him off. There could be traces of him here, but none of her in the blood. Carefully she rolled him onto the plastic sheet. Once he was tidy up and out of the way she started on the mess in the kitchen and dining room. She used dish soap first, scrubbing the mess off the sealed linoleum flooring, then finished off with a quick mop down of ammonia. Kate back traced the event from her point of view and then Riley's, spotting splatters here and there and quickly wiping them up before a stain set. When she was done everything had been scrubbed from the scene.

After locking the doors she took a garbage bag up to the bathroom and cleaned herself thoroughly discarding the clothes and rags into the garbage bag. Then she cleaned the bathroom.

She had moved her car into the garage when Jenny had come over, now it was time to get Riley into the car. Using a moving blanket, another random unmissed item from dad's truck, she moved him and his plastic tomb into the garage. Now she had a difficult moment ahead of her, getting Riley into the trunk. It took several attempts but finally all of Riley was in the trunk, and Kate was covered in sweat. He was heavy for being such a little guy. She was glad she hadn't started with Jake, she would have never even gotten him up to the bumper.

Before she left she checked and rechecked the house and garage. Then intentionally she left her phone in her room, and headed out to dispose of Riley and the evidence. It took little under an hour to get to the wooded area that she had found years prior. She wasn't going to burry Riley, she wasn't fit enough to dig that big of a hole and she knew it. She did leave him lying on the ground concealed by a fallen tree and random debris on the forest floor. The plastic and moving blanket was to come back with her, she carefully rolled and folded them together. Everything she did was neat and tidy. She would burn this along with the garbage bag of evidence in a fire pit further down the way. There was an older camp ground people usually never used.

Kate watched the flames dance, sending big black smoke up. Good thing it was dark, it might have drawn attention otherwise. She watched as the evidence that tied the two together burned down to embers. As she drove home she listened to the radio, she felt lighter and happy even. If anyone found Riley Ellis it was going to be a hard case to solve.

When Kate pulled up to the house she noticed the lights in the living room were on. She pause before getting out of the car, she thought she had all the lights off, add to the illusion of her being hungover at home. That's why she was parking in the garage as well.

It only took seconds after she closed the door to realize things weren't going according to plan. "Where the hell have you been?" Her dad hissed as he met with her by the door. His general appearance startled her. Eye's wide and crazed, his hair was disheveled and he had a butterfly stitch holding a cut on his forehead closed. "Dad!" His stance was ridged and unchanged when he held her phone out. "Where the hell were you?" His tone was still low but there was an edge to it. "I'm sorry dad I accidently left it here." Kate sputtered. Martin Belfast then did something Kate thought he never had in him, he snapped. "Where have you been?!" He screamed throwing her phone into the living room.

Kate froze, "I went for a drive dad, what happened to you?" His temper was still at critical mass, she could tell this wasn't over yet. "I've been calling you for hours." "Dad, I literally went for a drive. Riley hasn't answered me all day. I drove by his house and..." He interrupted her. "Hours, Kate." His eyes were red, and swollen. There was a tight feeling in her chest, she was scared. "Dad?" She said again, this time her voice quivering. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, leaning back he fell against the wall and slid down. "There was an accident. One of the trucks was totaled. I've been trying to reach you since it happened. When I got home I found your phone ringing in your bedroom and I was so worried Katie Bug." His voice was now shaking, he was scared.

Kate's eyes welled up with tears, "I'm sorry daddy, I really just went out for a drive. I needed to think." Martin nodded taking in another deep breath, "It's okay Katie, we're both okay."

It had been an emotional night, it was like there was an overflow of emotions when Kate tried to lay down. She began to hyperventilate, and then cry. It wasn't over Riley, or what she had done. It wasn't even over scaring her dad. It was like every bad thing in her life suddenly let go and she was able to breath. Killing Riley had freed her.

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