Date Night

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Jenny had taken it upon herself to come over a couple hours before Kate's date and make sure she didn't look like a zero. Kate's usual choice of fashion consisted of well-maintained jeans and an oversized t-shirt. She had already turned in her tennis shoes for flip flops for the season and Jenny was horrified to find Kate hadn't had a pedicure. Occasionally Kate's mind would go to dark places where her friends were considered. She learned to control it when she was much younger. The girls had been playing in Naomi's princess tree house, before Fay had heard about it, when Kate "slipped" resulting in Jenny taking quite the fall out of the tree house. Everyone thought it was an accident, including Jenny, and to her the eight weeks in a cast was nothing compared to Kate not being allowed at Naomi's house anymore. Everything was always so dramatic to Jenny.

As Jenny was carefully spreading the nude coloured nail polish on her toes, her mind went to that dark place. How easily she could attack Jenny right now. Not even kill her, just hurt her really badly. If she was impulsive instead of deliberate she might have done it, just to see what would happen. It had been several months since she had practiced her various skills on a neighborhood pet and that itch was getting pretty intense. "You're not wearing jeans tonight are you?" Jenny asked her tone snobbish. Kate rolled her eyes to her, "Well that's what I was planning." Jenny tightened the lid on the nail polish and walked over to Kate's closet. She pawed through the clothes, if she found something other than jeans in there Kate would be surprised.

"UGH!" Jenny expressed as she shoved the door shut in frustration, "I wish you were closer to my size. I would have brought something over." That was Jenny's way of unintentionally telling Kate she was fat. Kate wasn't actually fat, but she wasn't a self loathing, self proclaimed influencer that starved herself throughout the week. Jenny was almost five inches shorter than Kate and about 25 pounds lighter. And she suffered heavily from anorexia, she had already been sent for treatment before for it. "You're a hobbit Jenny, sorry I wear real girl sizes." Kate scoffed. "Look, I was wearing sweat pants and one of my dad's old concert shirts when he asked me out. I don't think he has real high standards." Jenny gave her a disgusted look, "Fine! Just for the love of God don't wear a Belfast Construction shirt and let me do your hair." These were terms Kate could live with.

Jenny had done a really good job on Kate's hair, even she had to admit it. It was a very elegant bun and her hair was so long Jenny had fun accenting around it with the extra. Kate ran Jenny out shortly after she was finished with her hair. Martin sat on his lazy boy with a beer in hand. Kate gingerly entered the room, they really hadn't talked since dinner yesterday and the tension was thick. "You look nice Katie, what time is Riley supposed to be here?" He sounded normal, like he sounded every day. And he had his usual sleepy smile. Kate adjusted her watched on her wrist, "Any time." He took a last drink off his bottle before setting it down on the side table. "I'm not going to wait up Katie, I want you to know I trust you. And I trust you to make good decisions. But you can call me if you need anything, I'll keep the ringer on to my phone tonight." His eyes were intense, and it made what he said real.

"Okay..." Kate was interrupted by the knock on the door. "Love you daddy." She called as she headed out the door. Riley was standing on the front porch, hands in his pockets waiting patiently for her. "Ready?" She asked as she brushed by him on her way to her little black civic. "Uh yeah." He said, a little taken aback. He half expected the weird dad talk with Martin before they could leave. Following her to the car he got in on the passenger side. "My dad can be nosey sometimes and I feel like he would pry about you not having a car." Kate stated as she backed out of the driveway. "I didn't know you even had a car, I saw you getting rides the last couple days." Riley said, trying to keep conversation going.

"My dad took it away for two months. I just got it back today." The way she said it was curt and dry, like she wasn't leading into a further conversation. "So what kind of movies do you like?" Riley asked. Kate shrugged as she headed for downtown. "I dunno, I don't usually watch movies except with my dad. He likes action and horror." She paused for a moment, "I guess I like action and horror." Riley smiled, she was so weird.

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