Slave From Delmaine

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The two walked briskly through the halls, well, Callisto did. Penelope glided with her magic. Because she deserved to be a little extra.

When they passed all the servants, Callisto finally spoke in a hushed tone, "The hag is starting to send assasins after you too."

Penelope stopped picking at her nails for a moment.

"And what does she think she'll accomplish?" She looked at the prince with a smirk and spoke as confidently as she could, "Does she think they can actually kill me? Her head's emptier than I thought."

But what if they do kill me? Doubt.

It always happened before, why would it stop now? Because I can use a sword? The Leila can catch me off guard at any moment, am I really safe?

Callisto stopped suddenly (causing Penelope to nearly bump into him- asshole) and stared at her.

"What the hell was that for?!" Penelope said angrily, smacking his shoulder for good measure.

Callisto didn't say anything and just kept looking at her with an unreadable expression. It was unnerving.

"Don't force yourself," Callisto said blandly after an eternity of leaving Penelope to panic.

Penelope blanked to register those words before she snapped, "What."

Callisto, with that irritating face of his, arched a brow. "I said, don't force yourself."

"Stop talking in riddles and just say it." Penelope hated beating around the bush.

"I can't imagine anyone that would want assasins after them 24/7. I'm telling you that it's okay if you don't stay around me anymore."

Penelope would've said something snarky if not for the truth in his words. Whether Callisto knew or not, she was scared, terrified, even. Separating herself from Callisto sounded so tempting, not only because of assasins, but because of Callisto himself.

No matter how kind he was to her now, there was no going around that she died by his sword too many times to count. There was only so much that Penelope could trust him with. Certainly not her life.

Yvonne closed her spectral hand around Penelope's. She looked as solemn as Penelope felt.

I want to leave. She grit her teeth. I want to leave but I can't. Not when there's something I need to achieve.

These thoughts were something that Penelope would express to Yvonne and Yvonne only. So the woman put on her usual mask and wielded sarcasm like a shield.

"Hah, scared? Me? Don't joke around. I'm always in danger whether or not I'm with you. You're not that special, your highness."

That part was true. The Leila.

(The Leila would always be more of a threat than Callisto, or anyone else for that matter, could ever have the hope to be.)

Penelope brought her mind back to the present and huffed. "So don't worry for no reason."

But then her face twisted to reveal a wicked grin.

"But if I do get killed, I'll be bringing you down with me," and zoomed off, with the crown prince yelling profanities after her.

"It'd be nice if I get to live long enough to see him become emperor," Penelope whispered to Yvonne.

Those were naive thoughts. It would be miraculous if there was an empire left for Callisto to rule.

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