The Soul Laments What's Gone

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(Loop 25)

The blood pooling from the still-warm body reflected her face. She didn't look human. Not when she was drenched in blood and her magical thorns were fluctuating as if it were sentient.

Anyone can tell you, that a rope held together by only a single thread, is fragile.

Her shoulders shook and laughter bubbled in her chest. Crazed, maniacal laughter.

Eyes wide and bloodshot.

Any more strain...

The looks of horror from the duke and the second son only spurred her to laugh even harder, to the point of tears.

"Look!" She cried through the giggling, spreading her arms in a wide arc. "It was so easy! Don't you see? Taking your lives would be just as easy as you took mine!"

She stepped over Derrick's corpse, twisting her heel in his ribs for good measure. He was only the beginning.

Penelope had nothing to fear.

...and it will snap.

Yvonne had watched Penny die countless times. She was there Penny broke down and forced herself to keep walking. She cherished every memory of Penny smiling and held them close to her heart.

Yvonne also watched her family die by Penny's hands. Back when Penny was unable to see her. The first time... was not the last. Not even close.

Penny went on a rampage for 10 more loops. Then went blank for the next 30. All the way until they met eye contact for the first time.

I think... I hated her for it. For killing Father and my brothers. Yvonne watched from a distance as Penny subdued the assassins sent after the Callisto.

But now... I don't even know if I can love them anymore.

Father, Derrick, and Reynold were so different. It hurt when Yvonne looked back to the times when Reynold would give her piggyback rides and how Derrick read her bedtime stories. The way when even though he was tired from work, Father would always make time to walk with Yvonne through Mother's garden.

They were no longer the same people from her memories. The incredible feeling of loss was unbearable some days.

Penny suffered because of them, more than as she did because of the Leila.

These feelings, the love she had for her family and her love for Penny, clashed within Yvonne. And she hated it.

She hated that Father neglected, Derrick blamed, Reynold broke Penny. Penny, who deserved none of it. Yvonne didn't want to forgive them. Shouldn't, forgive them.

(Yvonne... hated that her heart still held embers of love for them.)

She flew to Penny, and even though she physically couldn't, pretended she could embrace her.

Penny sent her a curious look.

How would you feel? Penny, how would you feel if you knew that I still love the people who gave you wounds deeper than any blade could? Would you hate me? But Yvonne, like a coward, didn't say anything about the turmoil inside of her.

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