Inevitable Reunion

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Having a newspaper get thrown at her face first thing in the morning did not help with Penelope's hangover.

"Fuck you." Penelope kicked Callisto's ankles and looked around grogily. "Did everyone spend the night in the common room?"

"Doesn't matter, read the article first," Callisto said seriously.

Uneasiness filled her gut. "Get me water," she replied, standing up to find a better place to read.

Callisto took a moment to feel offended. "Who do you think you're ordering around? Your servant?" But did as Penelope said anyway.

She walked with a bit of a wobble to an empty table and sat on a chair, conjuring up a dim light to read the papers. The bold headline caught her eyes. Penelope's blood went cold.

'MISSING! Search for the Missing Daughter of the Eckarts Continues!'

'Eight weeks have passed with still no sign of the missing Lady Penelope Eckart.

Eerily similar to the incident six years ago, Lady Penelope Eckart had disappeared from the Eckarts' mansion, just like how the first daughter, Lady Yvonne Eckart had–'

Penelope set the article ablaze, refusing to read any further.

"It's just my guess, but I think your fellow knights would not prefer being so close to a fiery object," Callisto commented as he poured the glass of water over the glorified kindling.

Penelope scoffed. "'Gone missing' my ass. I walked out of that place. And I was considerate enough to leave a note behind too."

Callisto pulled out a chair for himself and looked at her skeptically. "A note? What did it even say?"

Penelope tried to think but after a while, shrugged. "Dunno. My memory doesn't travel that far back."

Callisto poured the rest of the water over Penelope's head.

"Do you want to fight again?"

Callisto drew his sword. "Bring it!"

"Alright everyone! Gather 'round and pick a lot! Names have already been separated from the West Wing knights. We will not make the same mistake as last year!" The captain shivered.

Penelope scratched her head, clueless. She tapped the knight next to her, "What are we picking lots for?"

The other knight gave her a look of disbelief. "The pair-ups for the Hunting Competition patrols. Did you not pay any attention?"

Penelope did not dignify that question with a reply. Hunting Competition... Hunting Competition... Did something happen to it this year? Could've sworn it was a big deal.

She quickly gave up that train of thought as she went up to pick a lot.

Many gulped in anticipation and slight fear (Penelope was a person who gave the crown prince a challenge when it came to swordfighting) as she fished out a paper and read, "Iklies."

Penelope blinked and read it again. Then looked over to her "patrol partner". Iklies stared back, with Penelope assumed (and hoped) was fear. But either way, she was screwed.

Well, fuck.

Three days before the Hunting Competition. Those three days went by way too fast.

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