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Quick reminder that the last chapter was a previous loop and doesn't affect the chapters after

A creepy feeling of spiders crawling down her back settled over Penelope.

She looked between the exit and the magic circle, unsure of how to proceed.

The answer came to her on its own when she and Yvonne whipped their heads around to find the dumbass of the century peering out from the cave tunnel.

Rendered speechless by Callisto's absolute audacity, Penelope could only lift her arms in a what the fuck? gesture.

(In hindsight, it shouldn't have been that surprising.)

The prince, who didn't even look the slightest bit ashamed, turned up his chin haughtily.

"Your highness," she said slowly, "are you a masochist?"

"He's a virgin, Penny. Not experienced enough to know."

His face flashed through the five stages of grief in the span of two seconds before settling into disgust.

"I don't want to know what goes on in your head."

Penelope nodded sagely. "You really don't."

Her eyes landed on the sword sheath (impromptu bullshit green mist container) hanging from Callisto's belt, and an idea formed.

She pointed at it and said, "Give me that."

He narrowed his eyes. "Might I know why you need the thing made you scream bloody murder?" But he handed it to her anyway

She held the thing as far from her as she could. "I want to see if this is what I think it is."

She crouched, doing her best to ignore the ominous whispers that surged back with a vengeance, and carefully pulled back the cloth that sealed the sheath.

Green mist spilled out, swiftly swallowing up the ground.

Penelope leaped away just as Callisto yanked her back by the shoulders.

Yvonne's eyes widened as the gears in her head began to turn. "No way, can something like that even exist?" she muttered.

The magic circle spat out sparks and bolts of lightning, forcing them to take cover.

"Get over here!" Callisto yelled as he dragged Penelope behind a boulder.

Only Yvonne was able to see exactly what was happening.

The wind shrieked and noise assaulted her ears. There was a loud final boom before everything went quiet again.

"Penny... come look at this," came Yvonne's shaking voice.

It was gone.

"Shit," Penelope whispered.

Callisto had a contemplative expression, not fully understanding. "It cancels magic?"

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