whats up friends

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hello everyone.

it's currently Tuesday night and instead of sleeping, im on Wattpad! like always.
but haven't really ranted so I thought why not do it today?

but before we begin, my crush's sister and I are like kinda close and she's literally so sweet.


one of my friends has gotten a boyfriend. keep in mind that we are 14. she just started dating him out of no where. I've never heard her talk about him, bring him up, or even say his name. pretty sure the only reason they're dating, is because my friend hates being single.

and I'm over here like yaas I can flirt with whoever and do whatever and no one can hOLD ME BACK.


she told me, that he got his phone taken away because he got caught watching porn. real classy guy am I right?

but the kid is sketchy af, and is a dirty kid. I don't really trust him, and I want wants best for my friend.

but come on girl, out of all the guys at our school you pick him!?

update on my nonexistent love life episode one!

okay the guy that i kind of like, let's call him Jon. Jon hasn't really talked to me, but he always looks at me. I always catch him staring at me, and whenever we make eye contact, one of us always looks away. 95% of the time it being me. I'm socially awkward okay stop judging.

he used to flirt with me all the time in 7th grade but now he ignores me like wow thanks

that concludes my love life story.

now moving onto someone I have yet to introduce.

let's call him, Connor. (tnb lol self promo)

Connor is my best friends, best guy friend. since I always hang out my her, he's kinda there too. but he's really chill and he always messes around with me and it's cute.

BUT my other friend likes Connor, so she kinda gets jealous whenever I talk to him oops.

alrighty till next time, stay beautiful and don't do drugs.


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