so much shit is happening at school.
a girl was caught smoking weed in the bathroom, and she light a trash can on fire.
two girls got into a fight.
and this guy is getting bullied for being gay, but our school is stupid and won't do anything about it. I CANT WAIT TO LEAVE IT OMG.
but anyways.
I've been talking to my crush's sister lately, and she's so sweet. we were gonna hang out today, but it got cancelled.
im so happy it's Friday though. I'm probably gonna stay up all night just because.
OH. I have a question.
should I make a kik for this account so I can like talk to you guys? idk I wanna make some internet friends lol.
better yet, comment your kiks, and I might message some of ya'll.
(watch, no one is gonna comment lmao)
my pointless book of rants
Randomjust my thoughts that I've never bothered to say. (legit started this when i was 13, and i'm 17 now so i apologize for how immature and annoying i sound in the beginning. i recommend reading later chapters)