Chapter 81 (Bye Grey)

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Please, please tell me if there's any mistakes. Don't be afraid to comment. I need your help so that this book will be perfect. Thanks

Extra long chapter for you guys because I love yall. And I'm not even kidding, this is my longest chapter so far,almost 10 000 words.

Ace Ryder Blade's POV

"You're okay. You're okay" I cooed softly, walking out of the basement with Xander.

He was still hiding his face on my chest, his whole weight was on me.

"Shhh shh. Come on now, stop crying, Xander. You're going to be okay" I said, rubbing his back.

I sat down on the couch, Xander was still clinging to me.

He pressed his face to my chest.

I think that he was embarrassed to cry in front of me.

"It's hurts so much" Xander said, his voice cracking.

"I know. I know. I'm so, so sorry, Xander" I said, rubbing his back.

Roman walked down the stairs and came towards us.

"Why is he crying?" Roman asked, looking at Xander, who was crying on my chest.

"Why are you up? It almost 5am" I asked him.

"I just couldn't sleep. I was going to go for a walk or something" He said, sighing.

Roman plopped himself on the sofa, beside me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, running my hand through, a still crying Xander's hair.

"Just some bad memories" Roman said, shrugging it off.

"No. Talk to me, Roman. Don't go keeping shits to yourself and hurting yourself" I said.

I moved Xander's head from my chest, to my lap.

He was now, laying on my thigh and crying.

He curled his body into a fetus position.

I rubbed my hand on his back, letting him cry out his feelings, and turned my attention to Roman.

"I broke up with my girlfriend" Roman said.

I know, was just waiting for you to tell me.

"Same but not really. He's leaving me" Xander interjected, with a sad voice and continued crying.

"It's going to be okay, bubbly. Let it out" I said, running my fingers through his hair.

Xander cried even more.

"Why? What happened?" I asked, Roman.

"Ace. She wasn't a good person, Ace. She did horrible stuff that hurt me here" Roman said, pointing at his heart.

"Now, that I'm not with her anymore, I realised how much she hurt me. How much she fucked me up" Roman said.

"What did she do, Roman?" I asked, already feeling angry at the bitch.

"Not now, Ace. I'm just processing everything myself, right now. I didn't even realise, until today" Roman said.

"Didn't realise what Romeo?" I asked Roman, using his favourite nickname when he was a kid.

Sadly, he doesn't like it much now.

"I didn't even realise how much she fucked me over, Ace. I'm not same person anymore. It was Ana, who helped me out of this shit. That bitch, was jealous over Ana. I finally opened my eyes when, she was jealous of me spending time with my own sister, who was hospitalised" Roman said.

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