Chapter 8 (No. I'm An Only Child)

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Anastasia Rosaline Parker's POV

The principal tried to calm me down.

He knew that I was in the verge of having a panic attack.

He asked me to follow his breathing, and we took deep breaths together.

After I calmed down, and was feeling better, he made me wait in his office for my social worker

After what felt like an eternity but was actually around 45 minutes, my social worker came.

She introduced herself as Ms Nancy.

Ms Nancy brought me to the hospital to see my father.

Never would I imagine the day seeing him in the hospital.

I always thought I was going to die first. Either because of the abuse or because of suicide.

Ms Nancy told me that the doctors said my father was in a coma and the chances of him coming out of it was 30%.

At this point, I knew for sure that I was going to an orphanage.

Ms Nancy drove me back to my house.

Firstly, she asked me how I was feeling and why I was limping.

I told her that I was ok and that I had fallen down the stairs.

She look at me with suspicion in her eyes but did not question me further.

She than told me she had shocking news for me.

"What could be more shocking than my father going to hospital?" I asked myself.

I knew that the shocking news was that I was going to an orphanage.

But what she told me was far from that and was actually shocking.

She told me that I was going to live with my brothers.

I was confused. "No I'm an only child, what do you mean by I have brothers?" I asked her.

She probably mixed me up with another child, I thought to myself.

Ms Nancy told me that my dad in the hospital, was actually my stepdad.

She said that my real dad divorced my mom when I was born and that I had older brothers.

I was in the verge of having a heart attack.

How was I going to live with my brothers I didnt know I had?

I had started to develop a fear of men, when my father wait, no my step father started abusing me.

What if my so called brothers abused me? I was in so much panic and fear, my legs started twitching and I started crying.

Why would my mom lie to me? Why hadn't my "brothers" tried to contact me when mom died. Why did my step father abuse me? What happened to my real father? I had so many questions but little to no answers.

Author's note:
Thanks for reading and not giving up on the book by the first few chapters!

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