Chapter 34(Ice Cream)

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Anastasia Rosaline Blade's POV

"After the meeting, Roman and I had a sparring session as the meeting did not go so well.
We took our frustration out on each other."Elijah said.

For some reason I felt like he was lying but I let it go.

"Elijah, come let go into the kitchen" I said holding onto his pinky and ring fingers and pulling him into the kitchen.

"Sit down here" I ordered him, pointing to the chair.

He gave me a playful annoyed look before compling.

I gave him an ice pack and started dishing out some of the mac and cheese I made.

"Here. I wanted to say thank you for all the clothes. I dont really have any money to pay you guys back. So I made lunch for yall. It is not much but I hope you like it" I said to Elijah.

"Baby... You can ask us to buy for you the most expensive thing on Earth and we would still buy it for you without expectung anything in return. We are your brothers. Anything you want just ask, we will get it for you. You dont EVER have to pay us back for ANYTHING"Elijah said.

"Your mac and cheese looks amazing. Im going to eat in my room as I have to do some work there. Why dont you wake Xavier up and do something with him" he said.

"Elijah. Where do you work at?" I asked him, curiously.

"Remember the place we got you checked up in? I work there as a doctor. I also help Ace out with the family business" Elijah said standing up.

"What's the family business?" I asked him.

"Honey, I really have to do some work now. I'll tell you later" Elijah said kissing my forehead and walking to his room.

Just as he exited the kitchen, he came back in and asked me if I had took my medication already.

I replied saying Xavier helped gave them to me.

He gave me a smile and went back out of the kitchen.

I was walking to the hall to wake Xavier up when I saw the devil duo walking towards me.

Xander and Roman.

I dropped my head to the floor and avoided eye contact.

"Have you eaten?" Roman asked.

"Yeah. I-I made some Mac and Cheese if you guys are hungry" I rushed out my words, still not looking up at their faces.

"Thanks" Roman said and want to the kitchen.

"Come on, let go for a drive" Xander to me.

I was shocked.

"Youu want to go for a drive with me?" I questioned him, still skeptical of him.

"Did I stutter?" He asked annoyed.

"Look I know we started off on the wrong foot. You are my sister. I want to make amends" Xander said.

"Ok. I'll come. Can you promise not to get angry easily. When you're angry you scare me" I said in a small voice.

I held out a pinky finger to him.

He look at my pinky finger, sighed and slowly put his pinky finger on mine.

"Happy? Now hurry up and follow me" Xander said.

I trailed behind Xander as he walked towards the garage.

"These are mine"Xander said point to a very sleek and beautiful car and motorbike.

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