Freddie's P.O.V

I was running down the street when I came to a corner and paused when I heard a scream and then.

"No, let me go let me go let me go please let me go!" A woman cried out.

"Shut up" another woman growled.

That's when I heard the sound of a buzzing taser click against the woman and then she let out a cry of agony. Then at that moment I stepped out and spat.

"Hey leave her alone!" As I ran into her direction.

"Well well well, look who is" The other woman put her hands on her hips.

"Leave her alone".

As usual my eyes turned to that orange amber color.

"What are you going to do?".

And as I walked closer the woman pulled out a dog whistle and blew into it and sent a high-pitched whistling noise into the air, which caused the woman and I to cover our ears before the woman released the oxygen tension and disappearing into the smoke. After my ears stopped ringing I ran over and knelt down beside the woman.

"Ms. Are you okay?".

She moaned.

"Ms?" I gently shook her as she laid on the ground.

That's also when I heard. "Freddie?" It was Deaky.

I turned around to face him when I said. "Deaky?".

" I came to find you, Are you okay? What happened?".

" I don't know, I think this woman got tased. She won't respond to me I think we should take her back to my place for now".

Then the woman said with a slight raspy voice. "No, take me to Ms. T please take me to her".


So with that as I was about to stand her up I noticed that she was handcuffed from behind her back.

With my newfound superhuman strength I grabbed the chain and pulled it apart and friend the woman. That's when I noticed her eyes were blue then it hit me she was the wolf who turned  me.

"Say darling you look familiar, What's your name?".

" Mary, I am the one who turned you and for that I am so sorry that you have to deal with this now".

"It's alright love no hard feelings" I smiled softly at her as I stood her up slowly.


"Come on let's get out of here before anyone comes back".

"We're right behind you Deaks".

And so with that the three of us to Ms. T . Where she was not that thrilled to see us especially Mary all beat up.

"Freddie, Can I have a word with you and your friend? In private please".

"Sure thing".

And at that moment Ms. T pulled us into the back room where she said. "You have to be really careful because if my parents find you I can't help you, Because I am also a supernatural I'm a psychic ".

By The Paper Moon Where stories live. Discover now