John's P.O.V

"Freddie!" Brian cried outas he longed forward.

"Oh don't worry your mate will come to in about forty five minutes time" The man that stood next to Roger said with a soft smile.

"What do you want with him?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Just a few samples he's a very unique wolf. We've never seen one like before" another woman spoke up.

"But, enough for this let's get him into the lab before the sedative wears off" The woman smiled as she ran her hand through Freddie's thick charcoal gray black fur.

"No, not until you handover Roger back to us".

"Fine you can have him now, he was very helpful" The man that stood next to Roger longed him forward in our direction.

Then which he fell onto the floor and was out cold and before either of us could say anything they were gone with Freddie.

"I'll stay with him Deaks, you go on ahead and rescue Freddie".


So with that I followed the scent that still lingers in the air and it led me to a lab into the animal sciences wing. In front of me stand a black steel king that contained Freddie, who was still was heavily sedated.

It seemed to me that he was transitioning back into his human form that's when I heard him moan.

So I quickly slipped into a nook in the wall out of sight so the hunters wouldn't see me.

That's what I heard. "Wh-What's happening?".

"Oh you poor thing, don't be afraid this will be over in no time I promise".

"No, please don't".

"Shhhh......relax you're okay, you're going to feel a slight pinch".

And after a few minutes of screaming Freddie fell silent as I heard footsteps walk out of the room before I stepped out out. 

I made my way over to the cage and said. "Freddie, hey Freddie wake up I'm going to get you out of here just hang in there okay".

By The Paper Moon Where stories live. Discover now