Roger's P.O.V

As John went to find Freddie Brian and I were at home alone when I felt a massive headache suddenly come on . You know what scratch that another massive headache, lately I've been having killer headaches which is quite strange for me.

"Roger, Are you okay mate?" Brian's voice rang in my ears.

I turned my head to face him.

"Yeah, I just have a nasty headache which I have been getting for a while now" I leaned back on the sofa resting my eyes.

"How long have you had them?" Brian's voice rang in my ears again.

" I don't know a week or two, ever since we met Thalia" I opened my eyes as I began to move in the horizontal position.

"Why didn't you say anything to us?".

"Well we have been caught up with Freddie's stuff I just haven't had time to mention it".

And at that moment I was slowly sliding it into the horizontal position as I felt a sharp shooting pain in my head .

"You okay?".

"Yeah, I think I need to see Dr. Jones and see if she knows what's going on with me because I think my headache is getting worse".

That's when I heard the door open and then I heard.

"Hey we're back" John's voice rang in my ears.

"Are you okay Rog?" Freddie's did the same.

"He's been apparently having headaches ever since we met Ms. T and they have been getting worse".

"That's quite peculiar, I never noticed him having headaches".

"Yeah and Who wants us to go take him to his professor and ask her for a second opinion on what is wrong with him".

"Good idea darling come on let's get him off the sofa and into the car".

"I'll get his car started".

And so with that I heard John and Freddie walk in my direction.

"Hey Rog Freddie and I are going to take you to Dr Jones now. Can you stand?".

" I don't think I can, I feel really dizzy".

"Okay we are going to walk you out but we are going to be on both sides of you so you won't fall. Is that okay?".

I nodded as I kept my eyes shut and someone that he got me out of the flat and into the car where we drove to my Uni to see my professor.

While she was wrapping up her current lecture we were waiting outside. That's when we heard the door open and she said.

"Alright see you Monday don't forget to read chapter sixteen in your textbooks" then she turned to us and said.  "Oh my god Roger!? Are you alright?" She looked at us in shock from what I could tell by the tone of her voice.

"He's been having headaches for at least a week he thinks ever since we met a psychic".

"We want your second opinion".

"Okay, Come with me into the back room I have just the thing" she said as we walk into the classroom.

And so was that once again we made our way back into the back room where I felt myself sitting down in a chair then I felt something go onto my head.

That's when I heard. "Huh that's strange the imaging on my little computer here is lighting up all over".

"What do you mean?".


"She's not joking his brain is lighting up all over".

"It's like he has a psychic connection with someone. But, who?".

"You don't think he has-" Freddie was interrupted by...

"Help! Someone help me!" A voice cried out.

By The Paper Moon Where stories live. Discover now