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Roger's P.O.V

It was the next morning after the full moon when I stood in the kitchen cooking breakfast and putting the kettle on and as I stood at the counter I felt my head continuing to throb. I have no idea what I did last night but all I did was stay inside and watch the telly and the next thing I know I woke up on the floor with an enormous hangover and headache.

Then that's when I thought to myself. "Is my psychic connection linked to Thalia? Not just mentally but physically?".

Then at that moment I heard the door open and close, so I walked out into the living room to see Freddie limping in with Thalia glued to his side and looking worse than he did.

"Rough night?" I nodded towards Thalia.

"Not so much for me thanks to Deaky's calming mechanisms but, her on other hand yes" Freddie looked at me as he laid her on the sofa.

"What happened?".

" I don't know what occurred last night all I know was I was walking around when I saw Thalia with a guy named Adrian so I followed them both but then she started to not feel very good when I intervened and the guy was not very happy that I did and that I was a stray dog and she told him that I was hers then I walked her back to the park and into the shack that I use as shelter. But when we got there she fainted on me and I tried asking her what happened when she came to but she doesn't have any recollection of anything".

"What did the guy look like?".

" I don't really remember I was kind of far away when I was following them".

"Was he pale, ginger headed, tall maybe 6'4" and very thin?".

" I think so why?".

" I think I must've had a vision but, I don't have a recollection of anything either. I think I physically have a connection with Thalia".


" I feel like there could be some other supernatural beings out there I can feel it in my bones, I really do".

" I hope you're right, the Adrian guy gave me a uneasy vibe. When do you see Catherine?".

"Today my class is in an hour, maybe I can ask her about that before I leave today".

"Okay and once Thalia feels better we can go down to her stall to see if she has any books on this stuff that could be helpful".

"Sounds good".

Not long after that it was time for me to head to class where I spent an hour and twenty minutes listening to Dr Jones' lecture on the human body and the different types of infectious diseases that we can get and before I knew it the class was over, after everyone had left I went over to Dr Jones' desk and said.

"Excuse me doctor, May I have a word with you?".

"Of course Roger I always have time for you. What's going on?".

" I had a vision and I believe there could be other supernaturals roaming the streets from London. Although I don't remember anything from last night I do remember seeing Thalia with some guy and I think he is a supernatural like Freddie, John and I but, I have no idea what kind of supernatural he is. So that's why I'm coming to you and see if you have any books that could be helpful".

" I think I have addressed the thing that you are looking for, come with me into my office" she spoke as she stood up from her seat and came out from behind a desk and walked towards the office door, then she turned to me and said. " Please shut the door behind you when we go in".

And so with that we walked into her office and I did what I was told.

"What do you got for me?".

" I have this book of all kinds of supernatural beings scroll through this and see if anything looks familiar from your vision" dr Jones looked at me over her shoulder and pulled out a pretty large book and sell it on her desk that sat in the corner of her office.

The title of it was The History Of The Supernaturals From Ancient Greece To The Present Day.

So I opened the book and found my way through it and as I skimmed through it I saw information on werewolves, witches, lycans and shapes sisters that's when I came across the vampire section of the book and I saw a paragraph that said.

"Selene was a worshiper of Apollo (Greek mythology), the sun god, originally, until he cursed her true love, Ambrogio, who eventually became the first vampire. The couple was given protection by Apollo's sister Artemis, the moon goddess, and they moved to Ephesus to worship and serve Artemis at her famous temple there."

That's when I looked up at Dr. Jones and said. "This fits the description of the guy that I saw in my vision, I mean he is tall, thin and pale with ginger hair. Do you mind if I take this?".

"Go right ahead I have another copy at home" she smiled at me and she was packing up her things and getting ready to leave for the day.

"Thank you. Do you want me to walk you out to your car?".

"Sure that would be lovely".

So with that we walked out of your office and her classroom, making our way down the hallway and out into the car park where I heard.

"Let me go, take this off of my head!" It was Brian.

So I turned to see him being shoved into a van by the guy that was in my vision.

That's when I heard again. " Roger, What's wrong?".

I turned back to Catherine who looked worried.

"Brian has been kidnapped we need to go".

By The Paper Moon Where stories live. Discover now