Freddie's P.O.V

It was around 5:00pm when I was on my way to open the secondhand stall that I own and ran with my best mate Roger Taylor and as I walked down the street a fortuneteller and psychic stall caught my attention so I couldn't help myself and went inside.

Once I walked inside the interior looked like something that came out of a hippie van of a Bohemian van lifer. Behind the counter stood a woman that dawned dark colored clothing and layers upon layers of jewellery then she smiled and said.

"Hello there my name is Ms. T. How can I help you?".

"Hello darling I would like a Tarot card reading please".

"Okay, Come right this way" the woman motioned me to follow her into the back room.

And so with that we entered the back room where a small table and two chairs sat in the middle of the room.

"Alright let's get started have a seat".

"Thank you dear".

So with that we got started and a few minutes into the reading Ms. T looked at the cards in a perplexed manner.

"What is it darling? What does this mean?".

Ms. T looked at me and took a deep breath before she said. " I've never seen this before in all my years I have done this but, this says tonight is a full moon and it is correct and something unfortunate what happened to you tonight but later on something positive will happen to you and those around you then something unfortunate what happened to you again and again".

"Really? What else does it predict?".

"I'm not quite entirely sure period this could just be a mistake or a coincidence but, I can do some more instigating if you'd like me to".

"Yes please do that would be lovelyAnd let me know if you need any help because I could go to archives at my uni that I'm an alumni ".

"That would be a tremendous help actually thank you......."

"Freddie darling and if you have a pen and paper I can write down the numbers that you can reach me at".

" I do have a pen and paper right here" Ms. T turned around behind her and grabbed a pen and a notepad and passed it to me.

So I wrote down my flat phone number, stall phone number and stall name and passed pen and paper back to her. Not long after that we quickly wrapped up our session and I headed over to the stall.

As I was walking I saw what looked like to be a rabid dog running around in and out of the busy London traffic so, I bent down and tried to get it's attention and after a few minutes it came towards me. As it came closer I immediately realised it was in wolf.

Then I thought to myself. There aren't  any wolves in the UK I don't think, Right?. But as it kept getting closer I lowered the tone of my voice to make it seem less ominous.

"Hey you're alright, you're okay, you're okay sweetheart" I said as I stretched out my hand to let it sniff my hand.

The wolf sniffed my hand and gave it a little lick so I assumed it was used to me now so I slowly move my hand towards it's back but it growled and clamped down on my wrist and forearm.

"Blood hell......that smarts!".

That's when the wolf tucked it's tail between it's legs. It clearly felt bad then it ran off into the night.

I clutched my arm I stumbled down the street and into the stall where Roger was waiting for me.

"Freddie, You okay?" Roger's voice sounded distorted as the room began to spin around. "Freddie?".

That was the last thing I heard before I collapsed to the floor.

A/N: hey guys this is my new book that I decide to really is a little bit earlier then I thought I would. So tell me what do you think? I want to hear from you guys for some feedback.

By The Paper Moon Where stories live. Discover now