My hideout

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I was reading a book lying next to Jason on his bed, he was playing video games on his TV, a typical boy. I was feeling hungry so I closed my book and got up, "where are you going?" Jason asked me, "I'm hungry, I'm getting something to eat, you want anything?" I replied "I'll just come with you," he said as he turned off the tv and got up. 

We walked into the kitchen to see there was pizza on the counter. I grabbed a slice and took a big bite only to gag and spit it out, Jason did the same. "What the hell?!" I said Dick walked in "what is in this?" Jason asked him. "Well the crust is made out of cauliflower and it's full of vegetables," he said confidently. Jason gave him a disgusted look as Dick went to go sit on a couch"I'm gonna order an actual pizza" I said quietly to Jason, he smiled.

I had just finished ordering the pizza when I saw the bright light of a helicopter shine through the window briefly, "what the-" I walked over to the window next to Jason and Dick. 

Dick went to turn on the tv to see what was on the news and someone had stolen a car and was now cornered on an above-ground parking garage. The driver of the car was a young girl about my age with silver hair and looked like she was missing an eye. She got out of the car and ran towards the police officers then started fitting them, and I'm giving her some credit because this girl could fight. 

"Who is that?'' Rachel asked, "a total badass" Jason replied, and I got up and sat on a different couch. I looked back at the tv only to see that the girl was in the process of jumping on top of a car then jumping off the building and crashed through the window of the building next to it. I looked over at Jason who was staring at the tv, smiling, I looked at him with a deathly glare Rachel and Gar had noticed me and moved away from Jason in fear that I might tackle him. I got up and went to my room. I'm not the jealous type, but part of me was feeling a bit jealous. But I don't know why I was because I don't get close to anyone because I don't want them getting hurt. 

After a while, I figured everyone had gone to bed so I went out and sat in the living room. I stared at the fire for a good 30 minutes, until I heard the elevator ding and I saw Dick. He was carrying the girl from the tv, he walked past me and motioned for me to follow him, so I did. I grabbed a towel from the main bathroom and started to wipe off the blood. When I was finished cleaning her up I let Dick change the bandages on her eye.

A little while later Dick had let everyone know what was going on. The girl woke up a little bit later and she was clearly trying to leave so we all went to see what she was doing. "Going somewhere?" Rachel asked her, "we need to talk," Dick said to her. Dick wanted to talk to her alone so Gar, Rachel, and Jason went to the training room, I just went back to my room. But I was feeling bored so after about five minutes of laying on my bed, I got up and went to the training room.

I opened the doors to the training room and they all looked at me, "So what do you think is going on out there?" Gar asked as I walked in, "he's probably just trying to find out who she is" I heard Rachel say. Jason looked at me, "why did you walk away earlier?" Jason asked me with the training stick in his hand "non of your fucking business" I replied to him coldly. "what did I do?" Jason asked annoyed and confused. 

I sat at the base of the rock wall and ignored him, "oh so your ignoring me know?" I still didn't respond and Jason went back to training. "look my vote is we kick her ass out" he was talking about the silver-haired girl, "okay, who says we even get a vote?" Gar said back to him. 

I smiled at Jason's comment, I was getting bored so I got up and walked around to the back of the rock wall. There was a secret door with stairs that led up to a platform at the top. I had climbed this wall the day before and when I got to the top I saw that there was a small area perfect for a 'hideout', my hideout. I had also put some pillows and blankets up there so it looked like a cozy fort, I had also put some chips, candy, and drinks up there, so when I got up there I wouldn't have to bring extra food up. 

When I got to the top I heard Jason talking again, "where'd y/n go?" he asked them. Rachel and Gar already knew about my 'cave' and as I looked through a little hole in the wall I could see them pointing at the rock wall. "She not on the wall guys, she was sitting there but then she disappeared," Jason said back to them annoyed, "no, we know she's not sitting there because she's in her cave at the top," Rachel said. "What?" Jason replied in confusion. "If you wanna go talk to her you need to get up there first," Gar said as he pointed to the top of the wall. 

~hope you guys like it! and thank you for 1k views!!' 

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