Hold on!

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Hank and Dawn put Rose in one of the recovery rooms then came back to the kitchen to make a plan. The plan was we weren't going to give up Rose but Gar and Rachel to stay in the tower and protect Rose and the tower, Dick confirmed the meeting with Deathstroke and the rest of us would take him down, once and for all.

We all got to the plaza but I could feel something was off, I grabbed my computer and tracked Dick's com, he wasn't anywhere near the plaza, I knew that he was going to go and try and get Jason by himself. I sent his location to my phone and put away my laptop, I didn't tell anyone where I was going so I took out my com and followed Dick.

His tracker stopped at an abandoned building, I went inside, and surprisingly the elevator was still functioning. I got to the floor where Dick was to see Deathstroke holding a remote, I then saw Jason tied to a cleaning balcony with a bomb on it. 

"Say goodbye to your friend," Deathstroke said, I wasn't going to let him kill Jason so I used my powers and shoved him to the ground, knocking the remote out of his hand, he got back up and pointed a gun at Dick, "you really listening to this bullshit?" I asked him as I came out from behind a cement pole. "What are you doing here?" he asked me, "saving both of your asses," I said. 

All of a sudden Deathstroke started to shoot at us, Dick ran out of the way and I used my powers to block the bullets. I ran at Deathstroke and started to fight him, "go get Jason" I said to Dick, I know that I could beat him with my powers but I wanted to make him suffer for what he had done. 

I pushed him through a thin wall and he grabbed another gun and tried to shoot me. I didn't work for him obviously, we kept fighting but then he pushed me back and threw three small devices, I tried to use my powers to block them but they blew up and I was sent backward into a bunch of metal pipes. I was knocked unconscious for a bit and woke up to see Dick and Deathstroke fighting, Deathstroke was swinging his sword at dick but he got out of the way and I blasted him. A small green device fell on the floor and exploded. All I heard was rigging but I looked up to see Deathstroke standing by the window with the remote in his hand. He looked at me and pressed the button, I ignored the pain of the high-pitched rigging, got up, and ran over to the window, Jason was holding onto the ledge of the window. I reached down, "Jason, give me your hand," I said, he grabbed onto my hand and looked up at me, he looked so scared, my eyes were lined with tears as I looked into his terrified eyes.

 I reached down, "Jason, give me your hand," I said, he grabbed onto my hand and looked up at me, he looked so scared, my eyes were lined with tears as I looked into his terrified eyes

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"Hold on!'' I said, "don't let go, please '' I said, my voice breaking with pain. It happened so fast, his hand slipped from mine and he started to fall "JASON!!'' I screamed. 

Before I knew it I jumped out of the window after him, as I was falling I let out my wings, they slowed me down for a second but I quickly tightened them to my body and sped up. I grabbed a hold of his arm and expanded my wings, but they weren't slowing us down, we were going too fast. But all of a sudden someone came up and grabbed Jason and brought him back down safely, but I was still falling. 

I tried to slow myself down again but I was still falling too fast. Before I knew it my body slammed down onto a car, I was facing Jason and could see that he was okay, but he saw me and ran over to me. I smiled at him and he looked worried, "are you okay?" he asked me "well let's see I jumped out of a building trying to save you only for you to get saved by someone else and now I'm laying in a car and my entire body hurts, so I don't know" I did hurt all over but I didn't think anything was majorly broken so I slowly sat up and slid off the car. I could feel blood running down my shoulder and sure enough, a big piece of glass was sticking out of my shoulder. I pulled it out and let out a sigh, 'why is it always my shoulder?' I thought to myself. We heard gunshots and looked over to see the guy who had saved Jason was sitting on the floor with Kory looking at him trying to help him, Dick ran over to us. "Are you guys okay?" he asked us "yeah, I think so" I replied, I held onto Jason for support as I walked over to Kory and the guy. "Who is he?'' I asked Jason, "I have no idea," he said.

~ I've just realized that it is always ur shoulder getting hurt.... so I figured I would include that, idk. hope ya'll like it!~

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