Are we still sparing?

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I woke up the next morning to see that Jason was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him so I got up as quietly as I could and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I had some cereal and some orange juice, and right when I finished eating someone came and hugged me from behind. "Good morning Jason," I said, "how'd you know it was me?" he asked, well I don't think Rachel or Gar would do that and Dick is dropping the girl off at the train station," I said. He kissed me on the cheek, then sat down next to me.

"Goodmorning," Gar said as he walked into the kitchen. I looked at him and he smiled. "Are you okay?" he asked me, "yeah, but I'm also curious, has anyone ever told you that you smile like a 5-year-old?" I asked him with a straight face, "umm, no" Gar said back to me, he had a confused look on his face.

A little while later we went to the tech room so we could tell Dick what we found out. After we found out a few more things the computer spoke, "security alert. Main entrance. Access denied." he opened the security cameras to see Hank, Dawn, and Donna standing there "so I guess you changed the code," Donna said. "Finally," Rachel said and we left the tech room to go greet them. "You don't know how much this place has missed you," Rachel said as she walked towards them "this place, huh?" Dawn replied. Rachel and Dawn hugged, and I went to hug Donna, "I missed you," I said to her. "Where's Kory?" Rachel asked "she sort of vanished." Donna said Rachel looked very confused. "What do you mean by 'vanished'?"

"I don't know, but she mentioned she wanted to see Florida. So maybe she made an Irish exit and took a quick trip" donna replied. Rachel looked kind of sad but she understood, "can guys give us a minute?" Dick said, me and Gar nodded, Rachel and Gar were the first ones to leave. I waited for Jason but he only moved when dick said "you too Jason" then he followed me out of the room.

We went into the training room and each picked up a blindfold and a training stick. Once we each had a blindfold on we stood still and prepared to fight, "ready?" I asked them, "yep" they all replied, and with that, I swung at Gar but he blocked it. Even though I couldn't see anything I've always had good hearing, I heard Jason come at me from behind me so I kicked him in the torso but he grabbed my foot and shoved me back about the same time gar pushed Rachel back. I grabbed her arm to steady her and we looked at each other and I knew we were both thinking the same thing, we turned our heads towards the boys and ran at them, we teamed up and I'm guessing the boys did too.

We kept fitting for a bit more but then I heard someone hit Rachel in the head, a little harder than necessary and she fell. "Houston, we have contact!" Jason practically yelled, we all took off our blindfolds to see Jason staring at Rachel who was on her knees, but his smile quickly faded away when Rachel let her powers come out and she looked very mad. Her powers were like mine, but hers were like a dark 'cloud of water that was a blackish purple color, whereas mine was more of a navy blue

"Are we still sparing?" Gar asked as he took off his blindfold, he got his response as soon as he looked at Rachel, "Rachel?" he said as she got up and faced Jason

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"Are we still sparing?" Gar asked as he took off his blindfold, he got his response as soon as he looked at Rachel, "Rachel?" he said as she got up and faced Jason. She ran at Jason, grabbed him by the throat, and flew up off the ground with Jason still with her. "Rachel!" I yelled at her, she just ignored me, gar had a very worried look on his face so I 'let out' my powers as well, but my powers are different from her's, not just in color but also because my 'water cloud' came from my back to revile wings that were basically hiding inside of me.

 "Rachel!" I yelled at her, she just ignored me, gar had a very worried look on his face so I 'let out' my powers as well, but my powers are different from her's, not just in color but also because my 'water cloud' came from my back to revile wing...

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I flew up next to her "Rachel stop!" I yelled, my voice sounded distorted and she finally stopped, it was like she snapped out of a trance, she immediately dropped Jason and he fell but I used my powers to stop him from taking a very hard landing. 

I lowered myself back down to the ground and retracted my wings, Rachel landed on her feet crouched down, she stood up with a worried look on her face. I walked over to Jason who got up quickly past me and straight to Rachel, "you stay away from me, you fucking freak" he said very harshly to her. Rachel had a sad and apologetic look on her face, "everything okay?" Dick asked as he walked in, Jason walked closer to him "No, it's not. Look, I don't like being left out of whatever plans you relics are cooking up out there, all right?"

He said sounding very annoyed, "you didn't miss anything" dick replied, he then turned to gar, "Gar I need you"

"What about me?" Jason asked, "keep training" and with that Dick and Gar left, Jason walked back over to Rachel "you need to have that shit looked at, by like, a fucking priest," he said to her then left. I walked over to Rachel and I could see that tears were lining her eyes. I pulled her into a hug and I could feel her tears soaking into my shirt, but I didn't care. She started to collapse so I sat down and started to rock back and forth a bit, "I didn't mean to do that" she said, her voice full of pain. "I know, it's okay," she started to cry more so I started to sing.

"Do not sleep, my starling, Sleep, my doe. She is wrapped in curtains, Laid in snow. She will bury you inside her fur. Do not sleep, She waits for you to sleep, Do not sleep. She waits for you to sleep. My breath you breathe, It will carry you. My breath you breathe, It carries you. Do not sleep, She waits for you to sleep. Do not sleep, my starling, Do not sleep."

When I finished signing Rachel had stopped crying, she pulled away from the very long hug "where did you learn that song?" she asked me, I looked down at the floor, "aurora used to always sign it to me" I looked back up at her, she looked less sad. "Could you teach me how to do that?" she asked me, "what?"

"How to control it" she replied, "of course," I said with a faint smile, I got up and held out my hand to help her up, she took it and stood up, "thank you," she said as she hugged me once more then left. 

~sorry for the long chapter but I hope ya'll like it!~

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