that was one hell of a fall you took

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We got back to the tower and Kory and Dick took the guy who saved Jason who's name is conner, to one of the 'hospital' rooms, Jason took me to my room, " are you gonna be okay?" he asked me as he sat me down on my bed. "Yeah" I replied, "I'm gonna take a shower and I think you should too," I said as I wiped some blood off his forehead. He got up and headed for the door and left to go to his own room. I sighed and got up and walked into my bathroom to take a shower. 

After I was done I bandaged my wound and changed into a pair of black leggings and a grey hoodie then went to check on Jason. I knocked on his door but he didn't answer so I opened the door and looked in, he wasn't there. I walked into the kitchen to see Hank "hey, do you know where Jason is?" I asked him, "I think he's in the training room," he said. "Thanks" I turned around but I heard Hank again, "kid, are you okay?" he asked me, and I turned back around to face him. "yeah, I think so, I mean I'm still sore but I'll be fine," I told him, "good, oh and can you make sure that Jason's okay for me?" he asked, "yeah of course," I said, and with that, I turned around and started walking towards the training room.

I got there to see Dick was just leaving, "is he okay?" I asked him, "I don't know, but I think you should talk to him," he said then left. I walked into the training room to see Jason was hitting a punching bag. 

I walked over to him, he saw me but kept punching. "Jason," I said, he kept punching "Jason!" I said a bit louder, he finally stopped. "What?!" he said, sounding annoyed, "that was one hell of a fall you took '' I said. "Yeah, how'd it look from your angle?" he asked me, "well when you first started to fall I was terrified but when I was trying to save you I was just worried that I wouldn't be able to save you, and I didn't, Conner did, but then when I saw that you were okay I felt happy," I said. 

He looked at me like he wanted to say something but he didn't know what to say. I walked closer to him and hugged him, he hugged me back, my eyes started to line with tears but I blinked them away. I pulled away and looked at him, "what was that for?" he asked, "I'm just glad you're okay '' I said smiling at him, I leaned in and gave him a soft but passionate kiss. I pulled back and smiled at him then I gave him another kiss on the cheek and left. 

I went to the kitchen and got a snack then went back to my room, i opened the door and went in but I was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw an old stuffed bear from when I was a child.

I put down the plate I was holding and walked over to my bed, I hadn't seen this bear since my mom died. I left my room and went to Jason's, when I got there loud heavy metal music was playing. I knocked on the door and the music turned off and Jason opened the door, "the hell are you listening to?" I asked him jokingly. 

He didn't look enthused, "can I come in?" I asked, "no," he said blankly. I didn't care what he said and walked in anyway, "y/n can you please leave, I just want to be alone right now," he said. I walked behind him and closed the door, then I walked back over to his record player and started flipping through the records. "Got anything with an actual beat?" I asked him, he had a small smile on his face as he watched me look for a song, "so you gonna kick me out?" I asked him. "I was trying to," he replied, I chuckled "so how about I DJ for a bit?"

 I looked up at him to see he was staring at me, he looked kind of taken back but then smiled again, "just don't scratch my vinyl" he said, I laughed softly.

I played a couple of songs but then I found a party monster by the weekend. Jason was staring out the window "dance with me" I said to him as I started to dance. (not like how Rose was dancing!!) 

He looked over at me and looked me up and down as I danced, "I don't dance" he said "come on, Deathstroke messed with my head too, it doesn't mean you can't dance" I said as I slowly danced over to him "it's just like fighting" I said as I grabbed his hand and raised it above our heads and spun around slowly. "Just without the blood", I said as I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my hips then we swayed to the music. "Can I try something?" he asked me, I nodded slowly and he smiled. He slowly leaned in and I felt his lips brush mine before kissing me, he kissed me slowly and we still swayed to the music. 

~the link isn't working and I don't know why but you can just search it up on youtube or something if you want to listen to it, idk, sorry~

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