he shoots headlamps?

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"Where is everyone?" I asked Jason who was sitting at the table as I walked into the kitchen. "They went to catch doctor light," he said, "who?" I asked him in confusion, "he's this guy who can take the power from lights and shoot them I guess" he replied. "Okay...so basically he shoots headlamps?" I asked, "yeah, basically" he looked kind of sad, "what's wrong?" I asked him as I took a seat next to him "I'm just tired of sitting here doing nothing while Dick and everyone else is outfitting the bad guys" he said.

"Oh, I get how you feel, you wanna train?" I asked him. "Got nothing better to do," he said as he got up, I followed him to the training room when we got to the training room he turned around and looked at me, "what do you want to train?" he asked. "I was thinking that I would train you," I said as I walked over to a table with some blindfolds and training sticks on it and picked up two sticks and a blindfold. "What?" I tossed him a stick and the blindfold, he still looked confused, "you need to work on fighting without your sight and how to be silent when you fight."

He put on the blindfold and stood ready, "so what exactly are you going to do?" he asked. I didn't respond because I was being very quiet and walked behind him, "y/n?" I tapped him on the shoulder from behind, he let out a small yell and jumped. "When the hell did you get there?" he asked, "I told you, you need to listen. Now we are going to do that until you can point to my exact location," I said "so count down from 5 in your head when I say go and listen"

With that I walked in a circle around him and stopped right in front of him, I was a meter from him yet he turned around and pointed. I blew on the back of his neck and he turned back around. "What?" he sounded so confused I giggled a bit, "again," I said and moved in a circle again. This time I stopped beside him, farther away, and sat down, he turned and pointed right next to me. "Not bad," I said as he pulled his blindfold up a bit.


We continued this for about half an hour then switched to fighting without sticks. I ran and slid under his legs and grabbed one of his ankles and pulled him down. He landed right next to me and I laughed, "that was not funny, it hurt" he said as he looked over at me, I looked at him and admired his features, his eyes were brown and they matched his fluffy soft-looking brown hair. He had a defined jawline and a perfect nose, his lips looked so soft too, I snapped out of my thoughts and got up, he followed. 

All of a sudden he grabbed my shoulders and tripped me but what he wasn't expecting was for me to grab one of his legs with my leg and pull him down with me. He fell almost right on top of me but put his arms out so he didn't, he stared right into my eyes and I did the same. I looked down at his lips then back to his eyes, sooner than I realized he leaned down and his lips were pressed against mine. I was shocked at first but I relaxed and put my arms around his neck, he sat up and pulled me up with him. I sat on his lap, then we pulled away but I kept my eyes closed and leaned my forehead against his, and smiled.

~hehehe😏 surprise!! I guess, idk~

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