18. Imposter!

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"Loricai!" They spit the name like a curse.

Having anticipated the reaction, Leif jumped between Kyden, and the withdrawn weapons of Killi and Tavis. "Stop!" He used his sword to gesture both Killi and Tavis back.

"What are you doing, Leif!" Killi growled, "You would allow your loins to turn your back on your kingdom?"


"You almost had us killed going back to the burrows, and now you're defending a Loricai? You are a traitor to your Princess, Leif!"

Leif threw his sword down. "What did the orlie say when he let us go, Killi? He listened to our hearts."

"He also said that one wasn't worth your sacrifice."

"Eldri told me my enemy wasn't my enemy, and he was right. Kyden seeks to save the kingdom that he's not been allowed to step foot in for far too long."

It was a stand still, all of them glaring at each other.

Leif could see the questions—especially on the faces of Killi and Tavis—as they regarded him.

"Because... Kyden's kingdom, and his father, are under attack by the Nagori, and—"

"You want us to help!?" Killi was incredulous. "Did you forget the Loricai kidnapped your sister?!"

"The Nagori, Killi. You know, as I do, that Loricus alone will not satisfy it. Atora and Themi will be next, then Miah and Aradanas. We will all fall to this monster's destruction. You have till morning to decide where you lie on this matter. Come sun up, I will be joining Kyden in the fight for his kingdom."

Jaws dropped, and both Tavis and Killi seemed at a loss. Kyden regarded Leif in startled wonder; he hadn't expected any of his words, least of all that he intended to help.

Princess Leyva launched herself up from where she'd sat quietly watching. "No. You will not."

"And how are you going to stop me?" Leif raised an eyebrow.

"I am Princess Leyva Saren Katis of Aradanas and you, Leif of Leressea, are my subject, and I forbid it!"

Leif allowed himself a smile, impressed—as he could see even Kyden was—by her mettle, and turned to Killi. "One of you will take her home in the morning."

"Leif!" the Princess stamped her foot. "I order you to return home with me."

Leif turned back to the Princess, reached a hand up to her face tenderly, and tugged her mask off. Killi and Tavis stared in surprise, realising this was not the woman they'd met before.

Leif lifted the coiled rope of hair the masked Princess had been fidgeting with for hours now, and gestured at her with it. "Lords, I introduce to you Lady Freesia Erena. She makes a truly convincing Princess Leyva, doesn't she?"

"An imposter! We risked life and limb for an imposter?" Killi raged, looking like he would attack Leif right there. "Your sister!"

Leif examined the braid in his hands with a sigh, before tossing it down between Killi and Tavis. The braid gleamed a light coral in places that had been rubbed clean of the black polish Leif had used to stain it. He swiped a hand across his chin, smudging off the shadows of hair on his jaw, and faced Killi and Tavis as his true self.

"Lady Fee has been part of my family as long as I have lived and I owe you all a great deal of gratitude for aiding me in saving her from a surely horrid death. I, Princess Leyva of Aradanas, thank you all for serving my Kingdom with your whole hearts and your lives."

Dreams rife with death and defeat made for a fretful sleep

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Dreams rife with death and defeat made for a fretful sleep. Leyva met countless versions of the Nagori, and each one took everything from her. She could not find a solution, no matter which way she approached the situation, and the thought of failing her family, her friends and even Kyden made her stomach so sick she woke retching.

Kyden, already sitting on a horse, watched her from a distance, looking as if he too wanted to be sick. Sleep hadn't come well to any of them, it seemed, as she looked around the camp and saw everything already packed up.

Killi dropped into a bow at her feet, avoiding the putrid mess she'd made. "The horses are ready, your Highness. You never need question my loyalty, I will ride with you until the death."

"Feyrie grant that it never comes to that," she whispered, gripping his shoulder in the Themian gesture of brotherhood.

His expression, posture, and stiff movements, screamed his worry. Leyva wished—as both he and Tavis beat their chests and roared a Themian cry of solidarity at her and clambered onto the horses—that she could erase the fear from their faces.

Tavis pulled Lady Freesia up with him as Leyva had expected; it seemed the two were enamored with each other. Leyva might have found it sweet, if it didn't remind her of the mess of feelings she was. She looked away and noted that Killi looked to Kyden to take the lead.

Leyva could see the emotion he was battling as he acknowledged that they were joining the fight for his kingdom. He swallowed and looked away as Killi offered her his hand to help her up. Before she could question her reasoning, she grabbed Kyden's arm and pulled herself up behind him and whispered, "Let's go."

With an awkward nod, Kyden pointed out into the thinning jungle. "We follow the orlie's route to the edge, and then we ride south."


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