Fallen hero

392 19 31

(HEY, hold up hol up, this chapter contains quite a brutal death, graphic and gore scenery/descriptions, and my English that is cracked, so before going further, yeah there will be torture)

Jotaro had enough strength within him to fight, he was more than ready to erase the parasite that was Dio , in his life, and return to his peaceful one, now with Kakyoin, his mother and the rest alive and well by his side.

Pet Shop was defeated, Iggy was  the next victim of that bird, luckily only his leg got injured, although the injury was indeed bad.

They wanted to force Dio out of the mansion , because it was still sunny outside. The plan was brilliant, but really hard to pull out...So in the end, they had no choice but to risk they're lives in the nightime, where his powers reach they're full potential.

Knowing that Dio needed only one Joestar to gain full control of his new body, They had to be extra careful.

Vanilla ice , attacked Polnareff, Avdul and Iggy, drawing they're attention away, forcefully making the group split up.

Jotaro and Joseph had to go find Dio Alone.

They ran in every single room they saw...And shockingly enough, Dio was nowhere inside the mansion.

"What the hell? " Jotaro hissed through his teeth a bit confused.

"I could've sworn, i felt him here just a second ago..." Joseph nervously looked around himself.

"Dammit" All of a sudden, Jotaro broke out of the inner wall that immediately led him outside, and flew, away with Star Platinum.

One Thing that was concerning to see , and that Joseph caught in glimpse, was Jotaros terrified look in his eyes.

But he had to follow him, Dio wasn't a joke to deal with alone, it was obvious, that Dio went outside, for a reason.

And that reason... might be hurting someone, badly.


At the arrival of the horrific scene, that was the last thing Jotaro wanted to see right now was Dio exactly on the place where he told Kakyoin to wait ... Safely....

Dio had already destroyed the water tank, blood was scattered all around the building, and Kakyoin , with his last life energy, held his fist that aimed for his chest.

Hierophant was glitching, and fading from time to time, with all it's strength pulling Dio backwards, but it was useless, the strings weren't strong enough to throw him off the building.

Kakyoin trembled under Dio's hand, throwing in all of his remaining strength that he had in him, fighting for his life, and also trying to find an opening, where he could kill Dio, and accept anything that comes after that.

"So you have figured it out" Dio started his sentence slowly, chuckling, and at the beginning starring at Kakyoins frightened expression, but then he looked over at Jotaro, still holding on to Kakyoins neck.

"Im not surprised though...It was bound to happen, i was planning on killing him alone, but you actually came here faster than i expected..." He kept on chuckling, and throwing Jotaro off the edge of his nerves.

Kakyoin recollected his thoughts and again focused on the opening, ignoring Jotaro who stood still , not daring to move an inch.

"But now that you're here...I guess we should... Prepare a little show for you" after a strong squeeze and a feeling of a buried nails in Kakyoins chest, Poor guy hissed, and felt a warm liquid spreading around his chest, the drops of blood running down on his body again.

The pain on the neck, where a chunk of human flesh was missing now, still bled , as well as the place where his ear once stood, now it was a disturbing hole that couldn't stop bleeding as well.

Dio tortured him horribly, just by using his bare teeth , and like a beast, tearing bit by bit of Kakyoins body, his mouth painted in dried crimson red, that slid all the way to his callarbones.

Jotaro knew , that Kakyoin had a huge blood loss. But there was another thing that broke his temper entirely.

"I will give him a slow and painful death, with you watching it directly" Dios laugh echoed through the area, his nails digging deeper and deeper into Kakyoins chest, shredding the layers of his skin and flesh, releasing a bigger flow of blood, leaking all over that forming scar.

Kakyoin screamed in pain, but he somehow still managed to focus on the opening, despite his brain falling deeper into a panic mode.

Jotaro had to move fast,...That sight...of Kakyoins heart being ripped in front of his eyes, terrified him, he wanted it to stop...he wanted Kakyoin to stop hurting and screaming in a horrible pain..He wanted everything...to stop.

And before Dio snapped his fingers, just when Jotaro was about to attack him...

Kakyoin's adrenaline kicked in, hierophant released his strings, Kakyoin formed the biggest and sharpest emerald he could ever create , and despite having Dio's hand holding His neck , he managed to rise up, stabbing him in the middle of his throat and collar bones, at the very bottom of the neck, while at the same time Dio's hand already went through his entire torso, bursting on his back, spraying even more warm blood around him

Dio's head falling off, Dio left in shock, Jotaro stopping time before him, but too late, and Kakyoin releasing a crafted weapon, and slowly giving up on collecting strength to keep living, his muscles relaxing, and his vision slowly fading away.


When Jotaros fpcus lasted on Kakyoin, the last words he heard from Kakyoin , was "stopping...t-time"

That was his last taken breath.

A lifeless corpse of Kakyoin Noriaki stopped falling in the mid air, everything stopped around Jotaro...But it was too late.

Now ...Jotaro was afraid to get the time going again.

He knew that once this ability expires, Kakyoin will be dead.

His mind couldn't process the thing he just witnessed, he only wanted better for kakyoin, and this bastard caught up with him.

Jotaro kneeled next to Kakyoin who's body floated in the mid air, his eyes halfway through becoming lifeless, his lips forming a sad smile, as he bled all over his body, with his insides spilling out.

He couldn't look anymore at the fatal wound , that Kakyoin received, it was to traumatizing to even imagine what he felt when that hand went through him.

Jotaro , with his shaky hands, and the lost sense of reality, hugged Kakyoins corpse, and slowly let the time start again. He couldn't keep the ability running anymore.


Dio's head rolled over, to the edge , almost falling , until it tangled to the metal hook on the edge of the building.

Joseph arrived on the scene, but...

He wasn't prepared for the next thing he was going to see.

His grandson holding a dead body , of they're falled comrade, Noriaki Kakyoin.

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