Chapter Sixteen: Just a Distraction

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Eleven tried the cellar doors, "It's locked" She said. She looked at Mono, "You need the key stupid" He said, "Do we have the key?" Eleven asked. "You only saw Tyla hand it to me-" Mono dug around his pocket for the key. He pulled out the shiny gold key Tyla handed to him earlier. Mono kneeled down and fiddled with the lock, "Actually I didn't see her hand it to you" Eleven whispered. "Pardon?" He asked "Nothing," Eleven sighed. After turning the key he finally managed to unlock the door. "Ready?" He asked, "Ready." She said. Mono and Eleven lifted the cellar doors, trying to place them down as quietly as possible. "Mono..what if this is a trap?" Eleven said. "Why would it be?" Mono asked, "Think about it, Tyla randomly came to us after at least a month, told us everything knowing we could turn her in, and handed us a key? What if she's framing us?" Eleven said, "There's a chance, but Fourteen showed us the way too.." Mono grabbed the lantern from her hand, "If the door was locked when we got here, wouldn't that mean that it was locked when she arrived? So she would have to have a key to get inside?" Eleven said. Mono sighed, "Look, yes it's suspicious but if there's a chance that Six is down here, I'll take it." Mono said. He shined the lantern around the "basement" they were in. "This place is gross" Eleven whispered. "Tell me about it" Mono replied

"Really?" Fourteen said. She was shocked at who it was, she had a small suspicion it was them but had no other proof, just a gut feeling. "Yeah.." Tyler sighed. "So.." She paused, "You got wrapped into this whole mess..because of me?" Fourteen said quietly. "In a way, yes, but it's not your fault, they knew the only way to get to me would" Tyler said. Fourteen and Tyler looked at each other, "I'm sorry" Fourteen said, Tyler looked at Fourteen, "It's not your fault..have you seen Tyla?" He asked. "Uhm..No" She cleared her throat, "No I haven't" She said. "Alright, it's just she hasn't come back or talked to me since earlier today, I'm just worried about her." He said, "I-I'm sure she's alright!" Fourteen said, "yeah.." Tyler mumbled.

Tyla separated from Fourteen and walked to do her part of the plan, She just hoped she could stall them long enough for them to free Six. She walked to their normal meeting area, where they would meet up and then go to Six. She could feel her legs tense up, as the cold wind flew past her. She felt butterflies in her stomach but not the good kind. The kind of butterflies you get when you're about to take a test you didn't study for, the kind you get when you know you're in trouble. Her stomach felt like it was twisted in knots that you were unable to untie. She clenched her sweaty palms as she saw them standing there. "H-H" She tried speaking. She was terrified, as much as she tried to hide it in her stance, she couldn't hide it in her voice. She swallowed the giant lump in her throat and tried speaking again. "Hey!" She said, managing to speak. They turned to face her, as nervous as she felt before, their glare made it all worse. As if a wave of fear came over her. "Where's your brother?" They asked, "I-uh-he's-" She stuttered. "Save your breath, obviously you don't know" They said. "S-So, H-how are you?" Her voice shook as she said that. "Are you feeling alright? You're acting different.." They said. They looked at her odd stance, She was standing with her knees slightly bent, her fists clenched. Her eyes were wide and her pupils were small. "I-I'm cool.." She mumbled. Tyla took a deep breath and fixed herself. "Well now that you're over the little phase you had, we've gotta get going" They said, starting to walk away. "W-Wait!" She yelled, she grabbed their arm and pulled them back. "Oh what is it?" They said in an annoyed tone. "I...I don't think we should check on her.." Tyla mumbled, "And why is that?" They asked. "Because, why leave when it's just the two of us?" She said.

"Tyla?" They questioned. "I....I love you!" She shouted, "You...what?" They said. "I love you!" Tyla shouted again. "Is that why you were so nervous?" They laughed. "Well.." They said. They stopped laughing and looked at Tyla. She could feel her stomach twisting into knots again, "I hate to break it to you, but i don't share the same feelings," They paused, "I have no time for love, especially if it concerns you" They said. "And out off all nights, you choose now? After you talked to-" They paused. They looked to the floor, "Wait a minute" They mumbled. They gasped and looked back to Tyla, "You...You were only a distraction, weren't you?!" They shouted, "Get out of my way" They said, then shoved her to the side and ran towards Six. "Wait!" Tyla said, chasing after them. They arrived at where Six was, and the cellar doors were closed and locked, "How could I have been so STUPID!" They mumbled. "Hey!" Someone shouted from behind them, They turned around to see Mono standing there, "M-Mono! It's not what it-" They said. Mono cut them off, "I got a report of suspicious activity here, If you leave now I won't report that I saw you here," Mono said, "Got it! Leaving now!" They said, The only reason they chose to leave was to avoid any further suspicion. Mono wasn't on to them yet, but if they insisted on staying He would be suspicious. They quickly walked away, they ran back to Tyla who was standing there, "You're very lucky tonight" They whispered and walked off, Mono turned back to Tyla as she let out a sigh of relief. "Did you get Six?" She asked, "Yeah, Eleven took her back to my place, if you wanna come" He said. Tyla nodded and walked with Mono to his house.

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