Chapter Twenty-Two: If only they knew

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Dylan went home shortly after, it was nice to see Mono and his "friend". But he couldn't stop thinking about Shawn, and all the rumors going around.

Shawn was a good friend of everyone here, and had a high place in power, why or who would he give it all up for?

Dylan remembered that Shawn was going to visit Fourteen, he didn't want Shawn to take fourteen because he was bored and Mono wouldn't let him take Six back. Fourteen and Dylan were good friends, if anything happened to her, Dylan wouldn't let it go.

He rushed over to her house and knocked on the door.

A groggily girl opened the door. "Hello?" She yawned.

"Shawn knocked on your door earlier today but you didn't answer, I just want you to be aware..." Dylan said. She rubbed her eyes and yawned again, "Uhh..okay? Thanks for letting me know," She shut the door. Dylan started walking away, trying to think of what to do next. There wasn't much, he could visit Eleven and see whats up with her, hang out with Sha-...Maybe Eleven was a better idea. Other than Six, Eleven was one of the newest people here, he didn't know much about her, he could take this time to know her a little better.

Shawn sulky walked up to the door and knocked.

"Do you have her?" They spoke through the door


"Why not?"

"I couldn't"

"What a shame, there goes your only other option.."

"Wha- What do you mean?"

"You're gonna get caught, theres no way you can prove yourself"

"I saw the photos Shawn, its clear its you in the photos"

Shawn stood in disbelief, photos?

"Leave." They said angrily through the door.

Shawn left. He curled up on the beach sand and watched the waves, would they forgive him, would they kick him out? I mean, if they forgave the twins, they would forgive him wouldn't they? Would everyone look at him differently? He never realized what he really did, it never hit him, all he could think about is the reason he did it...

If only they knew.


HIHIHIHIHI Im really sorry this chapter was so delayed and so short, just gotta get back into writing, i hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :]

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