Chapter Eighteen: Who's there

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Eleven and Tyla went to wake Six, She rubbed her eyes and found herself on a bed, "Wakey, Wakey!" Someone said as they shook her awake, Six turned her head to see Tyla and another person there, "W-What?" Six asked, "Come on, you need to take a shower!" They said, "Who- Who are you?" Six asked, They let out an offended scoff, "That's Mono's girlfriend, Eleven!" Tyla said, "Girlfriend?" She questioned, "Oh she's kidding, Mono and I are just friends, we're not into eachother like that..'' She said, Eleven helped Six up and walked her to the bathroom, Tyla brought in the extra clothes that Mono gave her. "Take a shower and change, then come out" Eleven said, Her and Tyla walked out and closed the door behind them. Six locked the door and started the shower. Once she got out, she couldn't get Tyla's comment out of her head. She finally got her feelings cleared up, and now she has to watch the guy she fell in love with, fall in love with someone else. She tried to clear the thought out of her head and changed into the clothes she was brought, she ringed her hair and then walked out. She saw Mono laying on the couch, "Mono?" She said, he shot up and turned to Six, "Hey you're out!" He said, he got off the couch and walked to her, "How are you feeling?" He asked, "I'm feeling okay, where did everyone else go?" She asked, "They went home," He responded. Six stared at the floor, Mono lifted her face with her hand, "Is everything alright?" He asked, holding her face in the palm of his hand, Six was blushing. "Y-Yeah" She said, struggling to speak, "Y' fainted earlier, you really scared me.." He said, his voice trailing off. "Oh! I'm sorry.." She said. "It's not your fault," He paused, "We should get to sleep, it's pretty late.." Mono took his hand away from her face. "Right! Where should I sleep?" She asked, "You could sleep in there," He pointed to a bedroom across the hall, "It's yours now" He said. Six nodded and went inside the bedroom.
Six laid down in the bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering if what Tyla said was true. Did Mono really have a girlfriend? She figured she could subtly bring up the question later.

Six tossed and turned in her bed, she couldn't no matter how hard she tried. She got up and opened her eyes, the house was dark. She felt her way around using her hands, sliding against the wall and slowly moving them around her in a cautious demeanor to prevent tipping something over and waking up Mono. She made her way to the balcony without making any noise. She opened the door and peered over the edge, she watched the calm beach waves flowing onto the pale yellow sand. She was calmer now, until she heard some sort of arguing, she couldn't make out exactly who it was or what they were saying, but it sounded like a female and male. She looked over a little more and saw two people fighting in the distance, it looked like Tyla, but she couldn't see the other person. She leaned a little further, exposing herself to more of the edge, Six squinted her eyes and strained her hearing, attempting to hear them. She knew that eavesdropping wasn't the most polite thing to do, but her curiosity was getting the best of her. She heard noise from behind her, like someone was rumbling through drawers, Six whipped around so quickly that she almost fell off. Catching herself, she tuned out of the argument and looked inside. She couldn't make out anyone, but the noise led her to assume the worst. How could break in occur in such a peaceful little town? She thought, she instantly took that thought back, she did get kidnapped after all. Six stood on the balcony, she wasn't sure to go inside or not, was someone even in there? Could it just be her imagination trying to get her back inside? The noise soon stopped, Six let out a sigh of relief, Then a dark shadow passed by and Six felt her heart drop. She had to get back inside and warn Mono.

Six crawled on her hands and knees and slowly opened the door, she crawled inside and closed the door behind her. Six crawled carefully straight through the living room, that would be the quickest way to him. She stopped to take a couple of breaths, and calm down a little. She stayed in the crawling position as she heard footsteps come closer. "Please don't come any closer please don't come any closer" She thought. Yet of course with her luck they didn't stop. The person walked closer and tripped over Six's legs, causing them to know over something and glass shattered, Six took this chance to get up and run over to Mono, "Don't step in glass" She thought as she ran.

Mono's eyes opened as he heard glass shatter. He sat up on his bed and looked around. It was quiet, he heard a little pitter patter of footsteps rush from another room towards his. Mono's bedroom door slowly opened and then shut. "Mono? Are you awake?" someone asked. "Six?" He whispered. He got up and searched his drawer for a flashlight. Once he found it he turned it on and shined it across the room. Six was standing right infront of him, his heart skipped a beat. "You scared the shit out of me, Six" Mono said, catching his breath. "Sorry,"   Six said. "Someone's inside your house" Six whispered. "Stay here" Mono whispered back. He slowly opened the door and flicked on the light. His living room was a wreck, and there stood the person right in the middle, staring right back at Mono.



Sorry this chapter took a while! I was in school lol

This is a bit of improv so it's not gonna be the best-

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